Wednesday 7 November 2012

Guide on The Burning Sands

Hello Everyone,

Once you reach level 40, you get an option to enter The Burning Sands:

Here is the overview of resources you need:

Either you can pay all these resources or you can pay approx 3000 Rubies instead of all the resources. Decision is yours, I prefer paying Rubies.

The basic strategy stays the same, gather up resources, gather atleast 300 attack soldiers and have atleast 250 rubies with you, RVs are very rare in BS, so you need to launch multiple attacks when they generate. And most probably RVs wont generate when you land first.

I selected East when entering Sands

This was the first RV that I captured in Sands.
This was the formation of Level 35 tower in Sands.
This is the Combat Overview.
This is how it looks
This was level 35 and I lost as I attacked with lesser soldiers.
Keep in mind that Desert warriors are versatile soldiers, so they are good against both melee and ranged attack soldiers, so always better to send mixed attacks.

I attacked this Desert Fortress, here are the reports.

This was the Attack combat report. Easy win.... Some 23000 coins, not bad, but no rubies. :(

I even got My princess. :D

As you know, I am more of a power freak.......... so I always send BIG attacks on everyone. Sibaji yesterday sent attacks to the Resource Villages in Burning Sands and proved the appropriate ratio of soldiers to be used. Here are some screenshots:

Sibaji sent 40 KG soldiers total, 20 on Left and right and captured the RV.
If you are sending Normal soldiers, you may want to increase that number a bit.

Keep in mind that the villagers have 9 melee and ranged defense.
So their total strength would be 200*9= 1800 (200 is the number of armed citizens in Burning sands.... They are 250 in Fire peaks)

So now that you know their total strength, you can divide it by the attack of the soldiers that you are sending and you would know how many to send. Send 20-30% extra to be on the safer side and avoid huge losses.

Rest coming soon.................

By Vishal Verma Google

Research Tower

Research Tower:

Research tower is unlocked somewhere around level 39 or 40, don't remember exactly when.

It costs a lot, I think somewhere around 23000 wood and 15000 stone. Don't remember the exact figures now.

It is always recommended to hire an architect before building a Research Tower, as the architect drops the cost of the buildings.

Here are some of the screenshots and features of the Research Tower.

This is the approx cost of researches:

Maneuver level 1 --- 10,000 wood and 11,000 stone require research time 21:50:00 speed of recruitment +9%
Maneuver level 2 --- 20,000 wood and 22,000 stone require research time 48:30:00 speed of recruitment +18% 
Maneuver level 3 --- 30,000 wood and 33,000 stone require research time 64:26:40 speed of recruitment +27%
Maneuver level 4 --- 40,000 wood and 44.000 stone require research time 89:43:20 (tower lvl 2) speed of recruitment +36%
Maneuver level 5 --- 50,000 wood and 55.000 stone require research time 115:58:20 (tower lvl 2) speed of recruitment +45%

Force March level 1 - 8,000 wood and 8,800 stone require research time ?????? travel speed +20%
Force March level 2 --- 16,000 wood and 17,600 stone require research time 14:30:00 travel speed +40%
Force March level 3 --- 24,000 wood and 26,400 stone require research time 30:00:00 travel speed +60%
Forced march level 4 ---32.000 wood and 35.200 stonerequire research time 41:56:40 travel speed +80%
Forced march level 5 ---40.000 wood and 44.000 stonerequire research time 62:38:20 travel speed +100% ( research tower 2 )

Marching Formation level 1 - 37,100 wood and 40,320 stone require research time 24:01:40 reduce time to travel to other kingdom -10%

Wheel Tire level 3 --- 29,400 wood and 32340 stone require research time 51:30:00
Wheel Tire level 4 --- 39,200 wood and 43,120 stone require research time 72:50:00
Wheel Tire level 4 --- 39,200 wood and 43,120 stone require research time 60:41:40 (research tower 2)
Wheel Tire level 5 --- 49,000 wood and 53,900 stone require research time 79:18:20 (research tower 2) market barrow speed +75%

Levies level 1 --- 11,660 wood and 11,660 stone require research time 18:50:00 increase tax reveneue +4%
Levies level 2 --- 23,320 wood and 23,320 stone require research time 37:13:20 (Research Tower 2) increase tax revene +8%
Levies level 3 (34.980 wood; 34.980 stone)

Plundering log level 1 --- 10,640 wood and 11,760 stone require research time 15:16:40 (Research Tower 2) resource from Plundering + 8%
Plundering log level 2 --- 21,280 wood and 23,520 stone require research time 32:46:40 (Research Tower 2) resource from Plundering + 16%
Plundering log level 3 --- 31,920 wood and 35,.280 stone require research time 51:15:00 (research tower 2) resource from plundering +24%
Plundering log level 4 --- 42,560 wood and 47,040 stone require research time 70:16:40 (research tower 2) resource from plundering +32%
Plundering log level 5 --- 53,200 wood and 58,800 stone require research time 89:51:40 (research tower 2) resource from plundering +40%

Veteran Spearman --- 55,000 wood and 50,000 stone require research time 80:00:00 Research Tower 2) 

Veteran Macemen --- 55,000 wood and 60,000 stone require research time 130:00:00 Research Tower 2) 

Workbench level 1 --- 8,160 wood and 8,640 stone require research time 12:40:00 for tool production speed +9%
Workbench level 2 --- 16,320 wood and 17,280 stone require research time 23:36:40 for tool production speed +18%
Workbench level 3 --- 24,480 wood and 25,920 stone require research time 37:30:00 for tool production speed +27% ( tower 2 speed)
Workbench level 4 --- 32,640 wood and 34,560 stone require research time 52:13:20 for tool production speed +36% ( Research tower 2 speed)
Workbench level 5 --- 40,800 wood and 43,200 stone require research time 67:30:00 for tool production speed +45% ( Research tower 2 speed)

Pit saw level 1--- 11,880 wood and 11,880 stone require research time 26:50:00... for wood +4%
Pit saw level 2--- 23,760 wood and 23,760 stone require research time 64:00:00... for wood +8%
Pit saw level 3--- 35,640 wood and 35,640 stone require research time 106:10:00... for wood +12%
Pitsaw level 4 --- 47.520 wood and 47.520 stone require research time 152:10:00... foor wood +16% 
Pitsaw level 5 --- 59,4000 wood and 59,400 stone require research time 167:38:20... foor wood +20% 

Wedging level 1--- 11,880 wood amd 11,880 stone require research time 26:50:00...for stone +4%
Wedging level 2--- 23,760 wood and 23,760 stone require research time 64:00:00... for stone +8%
Wedging level 3--- 35,640 wood and 35,640 stone require research time 106:10:00... for stone +12%
Wedging level 4--- 47.520 wood and 47.520 stone require research time 152:10:00... foor stone +16% 
Wedging level 5--- 59,400 wood and 59,400 stone require research time 167:38:20 ... foor stone +20% 

Three-field corp rotation lvl 1 11,990 wood and 11,990 stone require research time 31:40:00 food +4%
Three-field corp rotation lvl 2 23,980 wood and 23,980 stone require research time 72:50:00 food +8%
Three-field corp rotation lvl 3 35.970 wood and 35,970 stone require research time 98:45:00 food +12% ( research toer 2 )
Three-field corp rotation lvl 4 47,960 wood and 47,960 stone require research time 139:26:40 food +16% (research tower 2 )
Three-field corp rotation lvl 5 59,950 wood and 59,950 stone require research time 182:13:20 food +20% (research tower 2 )

Reinforced Axle level 1 --- 31,270 wood and 34,100 stone require research time 18:11:40 (Research tower 2) increase transport barrow capacity +5%

Caravan level 1 --- 31,110 wood and 33,390 stone require research time 18:36:40 (Research tower 2) reduce time to transport resource to other kingdom -10%

Shady business level 1 --- 9,800 wood and 10,780 stone require research time 22:10:00 agent speed +15%
Shady business level 2--- 19,600 wood and 21,560 stone require research time 40:58:20 agent speed +30%
Shady business level 3--- 29,400 wood and 32,340 stone require research time 65:25:00 agent speed +45% (research tower 2)
Shady business level 4--- 39,200 wood and 43,120 stone require research time 90:58:20 agent speed +60% (research tower 2)

Chivarly level 1 --- 10,545 wood and 11,655 stone require research time 09:43:00 (research Tower 2) experience form battle +2%

Gutter Runners level 1 --- 15,390 wood and 15,960 stone require research time 22:13:20 (research Tower 2) increase no. of agent +1

Working Shifts level 1 --- 15,750 wood and 16,120 stone require research time 24:26:40 (research Tower 2) increase no. of city guard +6%

?? look like level A required resource = A X level 1 required resource

    Military Research:


    Forced March:

    Economic Section:

    Wheel Tire:


    Chivalry Level 2

    Plundering Log Level 2

    WorkBench Level 4

    Veteran Spearman

    Stats Veteran Spearman:

    Veteran maceman

    Veteran Maceman Stats:

    I will keep updating more as I progress further......
    By Vishal Verma Google

    Level 35 Onwards


    Please stop doing XP tasks in Greenland after you reach Level 35. The reason being once you reach level 41, you will no longer get XP tasks in Iceland.

    Now it is your personal choice, you want to hurry up to level 41 or make a strategy.

    This is what I did:

    I started doing XP tasks primarily in Iceland after level 35, but I also almost finished XP tasks in Greenland, BUT, left 1 thing to be done. For example:

    The task is make 7 wood cutter above level 8. I upgraded 6, left 1 to be done once I reach Level 41.

    So, if you observe closely, you will level up very slowly from Level 35 to 41, but after that you can achieve 1-2 levels very fast.


    You do get XP jobs in Iceland after level 41, but after sometime, not immediately. I got my first XP job in Iceland at Level 48.

    A moment of Glory for Chakravyuh

    We are the 1st Alliance on Indian Server to have top 3 players to hit 2000 + Honor. Waiting for the moment when all 3 of us are above 2000 Honor.

    All Hail to the All mighty Siba JI

    1st person on Indian server to earn 2000+ Honor.

    Count the arrows

    Count how many arrows you see. LOL