Thursday 31 January 2013

Can you beat these RBCs?

Can you beat these RBCs?

Just read for some laughs, nothing else

Desert Tower in Ice!!!!!!!!!!!

Another I saw today.

Kindly Explain GGE, why you made such tough towers for us?

Ok, So today I got the Robber Barron Castle of Green in Ice.

I tried attacking it and got this error code. :P

OMG!!!! Play Station 4 is available now!!!!

By Vishal Verma 

The Battle for Berimond


The Battle for Berimond is an event that players get as an option in Good Game Empire after level 30. Earlier you used to get Decorative items worth 60 Public Order if you were a part of the winning team.

Ideally it has 2 different kings competing against each other and you have to fight for one of them. If your side wins, you get the PO. Now the Battle for Berimond gives you Equipment instead of the 60 PO item. If your alliance does not have a capital, then it is a good way to get KingsGuard also.

This is the resource donation screen.

You need to select either of the sides. Either Lions or Bears.

Last time I selected Bears, so selected Lions this time.

You can order cheap Video games from this website. I am a loyal customer of these guys for last 8 years now. :) With every purchase they give a $5 rebate for the next purchase.


This is how the camp looks like.

This is how the map looks like.

You need to attack other players and capture their camps. Initially you get 24 hours of protection.

Construction Menu CIVIL

Construction Menu Military

Construction Menu Battlements

Construction Menu Decorative Items

 This is a watchtower that you need to defeat first. Once your team defeats all the watch towers, then you get a shot at the Castle. Once you defeat the Watch Tower, the 3 Resource Villages next to the tower is in your teams control and you get resource benefit from them. It is awarded to all, not just to the person who defeats the tower.

This shows the balance of the war. Since it just started, so it is 50% right now.

This is how you need to check your Morale, the concept is similar to PO. Here, troops lower Morale and Deco increase Morale.

This is what you need to do.

Build storage, atleast 5-6 of them.
Build tents
Build Deco Items, Keep Morale above 150%
Build Market, very important
If you can spend rubies, build Hunters camp... 1 should be enough.
Build stables
1 or 2 Guard Houses
Upgrade walls
Moat if you want to
When you food maxs out.... Send you armies and start attacking the Towers.

You get tasks during the tournament and completing them gives you rubies, soldiers, resources and coins.

The winner side gets some rubies, some coins and some soldiers (Bear or Lions)

You can check their stats here: Tools and troops

The Deco Item is called Grimbert's Oath for Bears and yet to know about Lions.

It has 60 PO. You can check about it in this post: How to Develop your Castles and Outpost in the PUBLIC ORDER AND DECORATIVE ITEMS section.

Do not rush your rubies. In the initial few days work in teams of 4-5 to support each other in case enemy tries to capture your camp. As one levels up, progress becomes smoother in the sense much of the troops that will be needed to defeat towers will be awarded to the players as they keep on completing the quests.

Click on the Battle for Berimond camp outside your main castle if you want to transfer tools and troops.
This is how you can transport troops and tools to Berimond. You cannot transfer resources.

The Good thing is that you can transfer them from any of your castles or OP.

You can send Bear/ lion soldiers if you have them. And that seems to be the best strategy as they are Versatile soldiers. Good in attack and good in defense. If you dont have Bear/ Lion soldiers, try sending the Norsemen or other renegade soldiers, as they are Versatile soldiers as well.

First Espionage Report of the 1st tower.

Another Espionage

The Screenshot below is of the Capital. This is the Final destination, once destroyed, you win. Keep in mind that since I have chosen Lions, so the opponent camp for me is Bears which is Blue. If you have chosen Bears, your opponent capital would be Red.


1. You need to send a capture attack to capture someones elses camp.
2. You flag will appear on that camp, and you have to wait like 24 hours to capture the camp.
3. If someone else from opponent camp sends an attack on the captured camp and you lose, then you lose that camp. That is why Bear/ Lions soldiers are best, as they are versatile.
4. Trick: If someone sends an attack on a camp that you have captured, send a bigger attack to his main camp. If you win, his attack will vanish. ;)
5. Trick: When you capture a new camp, your soldier limit is very less, based on the number of camps you have. So, what you need to do is, build some camps, lets say 2 or 3. Once done. Start sending soldiers from your main camp to that one. Now, let us say you have space for 10 soldiers, so you send first batch of 10 soldiers, immediately after that you can keep sending troops of 10 soldiers, till the 1st troop reaches. This way you can send 9 troops, if you have no subscription, of unlimited if you have subscription. Thus you can solve your food problem.

Now that Berimond will be over in some hours, I am getting serious number of mails asking what to do with the soldiers. Well here is what I would have done.

1. Divide them equally into all the worlds, i.e.Green, Ice, Sand, Fire..... where ever you have castles.
2. Decide the ratio, so that your soldiers dont desert before 2 days.
3. Send them out hunting, i.e. Attack RBCs and focus on plundering food. That ways you will get a lot of coins and Equipment, yet slowly killing your Bear/ Lion soldiers.
4. Level 20 RBC in Ice is the easiest to target. Send max ranged on left and right flank, only wave 1. You should get 2000+ coins and good food.
5. By doing this, you can easily gather some 1 Million odd coins in matter of days, and your soldiers wont starve to death. You can use these coins when Technicus baba appears to upgrade your equipment.

By Vishal Verma Google

Saturday 26 January 2013

How to develop your castles and Outposts

How to develop your castles and Outposts

Hello Guys,

Everyday I get questions from various players of the game, where they want to learn how to attack. I visit their castles and OPs to check their development and then wonder, why do people always want to jump to level 10, instead of learning the basics. The most important aspect of this game is to develop your castles and OP correctly. And your focus should be on that. What I am about to suggest is a long term plan. It takes months to achieve it, and there is no shortcuts to it.

It is easy for beginners but tough for veterans, as they have already made their decisions and done things their way. Their way might not be the best way though. So there is no harm in rectifying your mistakes that you did unknowingly. There was no one to guide us when we started this game, even I made the same mistakes, but rectifying them now.


Let us start with the Main Castle in The Great Empire aka Greenland.
You can follow the same strategy for your Castles in

Everwinter Glacier aka Ice Guide for Everwinter Glacier
The Burning Sands Guide for The Burning Sands
Fire Peaks Guide for Fire Peaks

The only exception being that you can increase the number of Farms in these empires, as the Food RVs add to the production. And similarly, you can keep resource buildings lesser as Resources RVs add to the production.

People usually start playing this game keeping 1 thing in mind, attacks. Well, attacks are not bad, but dont attack till your defense is strong. Or one fine day you will login and see your castle all on fire and burning like hell.

Now here are the basics of how to develop your Main Castle (MC) for defenses.
The very first thing you need to develop are some farm houses to support defense troops. Then shift your focus towards resources. Build some Stone quarries and wood cutter. Never over do them. In the main castle, you can have around 12 farm houses and 4 stone quarries and wood cutters. You will be tempted to add more and YES, you can add more, if you are ready to demolish them going forward. Still never build any farm, stone quarry or wood cutter below 13% occupancy rate.

In the screenshot below you can see where to check the occupancy rate.

Ideally 100% and 75% are best. A lot also depends on your level and stage of the game. For example, I am level 60 player and it has been over 1 month that I have nothing to develop in my Green MC. I still need resources as I am doing my Researches in Research Tower. I have been playing this game for 3.5 months now, maybe in a month or two, I will be done with Researches also, then I will demolish all my Stone quarries and Woodcutters, leaving just 2 of each, for tools and future updates.

Now comes the most important aspect, the defense.
Once you start building your castle, I would suggest you to set priorities in this order.

1. Keep (Keep increases PO and defense and the construction speed of other buildings)
2. Farms (Just enough to support some defense soldiers)
3. Resource buildings (Just enough to cover the construction cost)
4. Walls (Increases Protection and PO)
5. Towers (Increases Protection and PO)
6. Gates (Increases Protection and PO)
7. Dwellings (Just enough to support constant soldier recruitment)
8. Farms again (This time to add more and more soldiers)
9. Resource buildings (Keep upgrading the existing buildings, enough to support further expansion)
and so on.........
10. Guardhouses - 5 or 6 important because of the new enhancements
11. Taverns -3 (Level 3)

PS: Do not build more than 2 dwellings in your MC. Keep upgrading them for now. Ideally there should be zero dwellings in the MC, better to have them in Outposts. Forget about the dwelling based task to get XP. You will get enough XP from other tasks. Once your castle and OPs are fully developed you can demolish these dwellings in your MC.

The basic idea of this game is to have Maximum soldiers and this complete guide is based on that. Resources, coins and everything else is secondary. You can win more if you have more attack and defense soldiers, that is the bottom line.

Now there are 3 things to consider here:

1. Food production
2. Public Order (PO) and Decorative Items (Deco)
3. The importance of space in the castle


Food production all of us know is increased by Farms. You can have as many as 12 Level 10 Farms in your main castle.I have 11 farms in my MC, all are Level 10, the 11th Farm has a Occupancy rate of 10% and gives me 31.9 Food per hour. If you are a ruby player, then instead of having so many farms, You can manage with 7 Level 10 farms + vet overseers + normal overseers. You motive should be to have a food production of 2100 - 2400/ hour. Your Target army size should be 1000 defense minimum. You may also think why not just build 30 farms and let them increase the food production. I will explain a bit later why more farms will harm us instead of helping us. Keep reading........

Now few things that help increase the production of Farm houses.

1. Is definitely the PO. We will discuss it later in greater length. Try to maintain a PO of 235%+ in your main castle.
2. Flour Mill: It increases the production of all farms in the castle. Level 3 gives a +30%  boost to the food production.
3. Bakery: Bakery reduces the food consumption of all soldiers in that castle. This is a must, and this has to be your first thing that you spend your rubies on. You can read more about Ruby Strategy and how to use them wisely. Don't blow away the free rubies the game gives you initially on speeding up building construction, if you are not a Ruby player, make sure to read the Ruby Strategy before you start spending them.


Public Order represents the general mood of your population. In short, if they are happy they will work harder and all your buildings will have higher productivity and even your tools and soldiers would be recruited faster.

PO is the most important aspect in this game. Decorative Items and defense INCREASE PO, whereas Dwellings DECREASE PO. That is the reason I suggested you above to have only 2 dwellings in the MC in the beginning and zero later on.

Our target should be to keep PO above 235%. It is doable even if you are not a ruby player.
In the beginning try to build as many decorative Items you can, later on replace them with Parks. Parks are the highest PO non ruby Deco items.

If you are a Ruby player, go for Ruby Deco Items. Nothing better than that.
Also, always give it a shot at the events. Events give you good Deco Items. And Ruby/ Non Ruby players, everyone can get them.

Here are some of the Events/ Tournaments that I am aware of.

Herald of the Tournament (Individual)

The top 3 get Victory Column. it is small in space but has high PO. 135 PO.

This is an event that pops up once in a while. If you complete it on the winning side, you get a PO item called Grimbert's Oath. There are 2 sides, bear and lions. I chose Bear, so I know about Bear. Not sure what it is called if You are on Lion's side. This was my First Berimond event and I had no clue. I ended up spending some 200,000 rubies and when I got a deco item of 60 PO, I was disappointed. But I played this event to get Bear Soldiers and I got 4000 of them, so overall I was extremely happy. You can check various types of soldiers here: Troop and Tools stats for Goodgame Empire

Thorn King Event

Thorn King Event was an event that ended recently on Jan 17th 2013. You can click here to check the Complete Guide on Thorn King Event

It gives you a deco Item called Thorn Skull having PO of 80

All these Items do not have a Great PO, but they occupy very little space, thus that being their advantage. Ratio of space to PO.

This is how all 3 of them look in my main castle.

Colossus Event

Colossus event is an event wherein you have to contribute resources to build a high PO deco item. Initially it is easy, but once the PO reaches 150, it gets extremely tougher to increase the PO. The benefit of this event is that you spend no rubies and get a high PO deco item and above all, you can place this Colossus in any castle or OP. In rest of the events you cannot keep your deco item anywhere else than you main castle in Greenland.

Take a look.

Adventure Tasks

Another great way to get good PO items is to complete the adventure maps. You get map pieces by attacking RBCs. You may also want to read this post: How to attack RBCs
Once the map is complete you get an adventure task, defeating the main castle of the task gives you a good PO item that occupies very little space.

The importance of space in the castle

As I mentioned earlier, it is very important to save space in your castle, you wont realize it initially but once you reach higher levels and your castles are all build up. You will notice that there is nothing else to do. If you do not plan properly, you will end up having low PO and thus lesser production and low number of soldiers as compared to others.

The space in your castle is an extremely important aspect of the game. It is also based more on the need of the hour. For example initially you need more resources. Therefore, more resource buildings. Later on, you can cut these to a minimum to make way for Deco items & maximize farm numbers. Same with dwellings. Some would prefer to complete the dwellings quests before deleting them while others don't care about them & go for PO right away. End of the day it is Your choice :D

Now let us move onto your Outposts (OP).........


Usually people try to capture 1 stone, 1 food and 1 wood OP. But in the longer run, you realize that it would have been better if you had all Food OPs and that too Shining OPs (8 food and 2 wood/stone). Please check this to figure out what are Shining Outposts. It is very important to know which outposts to acquire in GoodGame Empire.

Now again it is your decision. You would like to acquire Food Shining OPs from the word go, which will create a shortage of resources for you or you would like to capture and develop resource OPs and once done with researches, then move to Shining Food OPs. I did not have all this knowledge when I started playing. At the moment I have 1 Wood 6 OP, 1 Stone 6 OP and 1 Wood 8 OP. I am about to delete my OPs and capture Shining Food OPs. But If I knew about all this earlier, I would have definitely captured Shining Food OP. So it is your choice. Decide what you think is best.

If you have alliance members near by, ask them to help you with resources and you can help them with Food and that ways you can survive even with all 3 Shining food OPs. You can build strong army, support your neighbor alliance members with Defense troops. They can build a bigger army, you can supply them with Food, they supply you with resources.... remember it is a team game, not a solo act. Keep in mind that you can move your castle free of cost for the first time. So even if your alliance members are not near by, you can shift near them.

Now let us talk about the Shining Food OP and how to build it.

The basics remain the same as castle. Just keep the following in mind.

Number of farms - 15
Stone/wood - 4
Dwellings - 0
Guardhouses - 6
Target PO - 240%
Target food rate - 4500-4800/hr (get the normal +vet overseers)
Target stone/wood rate - 750-850/hr (w/o overseers)
Bakery Level 4 a must
Target troop capacity - 2000 per OP
Food research Level 5

In response to questions of best possible arrangement of a castle. I am attaching a screenshot of a player from whom I have learnt a lot and naturally is my Guru in this game. :P

Please do not forget to add your valuable Knowledge in comments below.

Remember, Rubies or big armies don't win you battles, Knowledge and tactics do!!
By Vishal Verma Google

Monday 21 January 2013

Guide - Equipment

Guide - Equipment

Hello Guys,

With the recent update we got this new Equipment deal. At first glimpse it looks very confusing and scary but if you spend sometime around, you will find it is not that tough as it looks. Yet, I have my basic guide for you, while I will keep upgrading from time to time.

This is the screen that pops up when you click the equipment sign which has replaced sword brothers.

Now if yo broadly classify it, it has 3 major sections.

1. Commander (To enhance attack of your commanders, represented by the helmets)
2. Castellan (To enhance defense of your castles and OP, represented by the crowns)
3. Smithy (To forge items and make better items)

The screenshot below is how the Commander screen looks. You can equip each of your commanders (max 9, you cannot equip mercenaries that you get free with monthly subscription plans.)

Sale!!! All these PS 3 games are below $30!!

The screenshot below is how the Castellan screen looks like. Here you can equip your castles and OPs with defense items.

This is how the Smithy section looks like. Here you can forge various lower categories equipment and get higher quality equipment.
In the screenshot below I forged 3 ordinary equipment and got 1 better ordinary equipment.
But if you forge 6 ordinary equipment, you get 1 rare equipment. Similarly if you forge 6 rare equipment, you get 1 epic equipment and so on......
Cost to forge 3 items is 10 coins and cost to forge 6 rare equipment is 2500 coins.
I have head that cost to forge 6 Epic equipment to get 1 Legendary equipment is 20,000 coins.

When I forged 3 ordinary items, this is what I got.... Screenshot below.

Guys, keep 1 thing in mind, that signs do not represent anything. Equipment with same signs have different properties, so go ahead and read what benefits you get from them.

The Smithy section has 3 sub sections:

1. All Equipment types
2. Equipment for Commanders
3. Equipment for Castellans

So when you forge them, ensure that you do not select option 1, rather forge either 6 equipment of the commanders or Castellans. That ways you ensure that you get a better equipment for the same category.


I forged 6 rare equipment of Castellan but got an Epic equipment of Commander. So it does not really matter if you forge them individually or not.

Having the equipment is not enough, you need to equip your Commanders and Castellans with the Equipment.

I used a small logic to equip my Commanders. I started loading them in reverse manner, i.e. I started with 9th Commander instead of first. The reason being, When you send support or transfer tools and soldiers to your OPs, the first Commander is used by default. Even on RBC attacks, it is the same, so to ensure that my most valuable Commander stays free, I loaded my 9th Commander first.

This is what I did. I loaded my 9th Commander to attack other players and thus loaded him with equipment that give him benefits like, lowers moat protection, lowers wall protection, lowers gate protection, attack detected late, etc...

I was not too keen on making my soldiers stronger as I already have enough strong soldiers.
Anyways, you can anytime replace the equipment you have assigned to a commander. I plan to keep 1 Category Equipment with me for the 9th commander at all times and I plan to modify it based on the defender. For example, if I am about to attack a player or castle that does not have a moat, then no point using the equipment that reduces moat protection.

The 8th Commander, I enhanced him to Increase the chances of finding better equipment.
So this Commander I would primarily use to attack RBCs to get better equipment. As a general rule, I have noticed RBCs above level 21 definitely give you rare items. This might not be true for you, as I always send 5 loot sacks with each attack. So if it is different for you, please leave a comment.

Initially I plan to load Commanders 8 - 1 on getting better equipment. When I have loaded all my Commanders on top items for player attack, it would be the end of Equipment quest for me.

Few screenshots where I am loading my Commanders with Equipment.

In the screenshot below I forged 6 ordinary items and got 1 rare item in return.

The screenshot below shows the rare Item I got in return.

Some more forging........

Got 1 rare item after forging 6 ordinary.

6 ordinary again

Forged into 1 rare

Now there are 5 types of Equipment that you load your Commanders and Castellans with.

1. Helmet
2. Armor
3. Weapon
4. Artifact
5. Look

In the screenshot below you see I am on Look screen and I have none. Till date I have got like 200 odd equipment, but not even a single Look. Look is EXTREMELY rare, so if you get 1 by chance, DO NOT FORGE it. Use it, even the ordinary is very rare. As per discussion in the forum, NO ONE has received a Look till date. Maybe it is something that will be a part of future updates.

In the screenshot below you can see that I am not loading equipment to my castles... You should load them as per the need, for example, if you don't have moat, no point adding a moat equipment to that castle or OP. And you can change them anytime....

As you can see in the screenshot below, you can see the Equipment used by the attacker, so you can defend your castle accordingly.

Everyday I send as many attacks in Ice and Sand as I can, when I am actively playing and once I have to logout, this is what  do...

This is what I did everyday. As I have a 1 year subscription, I get unlimited Commanders. So everyday before I head to my bed, I send some 75 odd attacks on Lvl 1 RBC in Green.

Day 1 I sent 75 attacks without loot sacks, got some 20 Ordinary equipment.
Day 2 I sent 75 attacks with 1 loot sack each and got some 30 Ordinary equipment.
Day 3 I sent 100 attacks with 1 loot sack each and got some 50 ordinary and 1 rare equipment.

If you have limited number of Commanders, make sure to equip each attack with 1 loot sack at least.

These are my 

I got this rare Equipment when I attacked Level 1 RBC in Green...

The screenshot below shows that Forging 6 rare items gives you 1 epic Equipment.

I have also seen 1 combat report of 1 of my alliance members who got Legendary Equipment from an attack in Burning Sands, so if you have a big army in Sand and Fire peaks.... Go for the Legendary!!!

In the screenshot below forged 6 Epic equipment to gain a Legendary Equipment.

Please do note that I forged 6 equipment of the Commander but got a Legendary Equipment of the Castellan.

The Forging has no logic at all, I have tried forging all equipment with almost same qualities, for example: Tried forging 6 Commander equipment with Honor and Glory benefit, the result comes out to be a Castellan Equipment with Moat protection benefits!!!!!!!!!!

Another thing I wanted to clarify was, if you are attacked or attack someone, these Equipment are not used and vanish, instead they stay with you forever.

Now naturally there has to be a way for GGE to earn Rubies. So here it is.

The Technicus appears outside your Castle.

You can enhance your equipment by Spending Coins. You can enhance as follows:
Ordinary Equipment 3 times
Rare Equipment 8 times
Epic Equipment 12 times
Legendary Equipment 16 times.

Each time you enhance the Equipment the chances of success gets lower. It starts from 100% and keeps decreasing after every enhancement. Then you can spend Rubies to ensure a single time success of 100%, this does not reset the success percentage that has already decreased. I spent like 500K coins and was able to upgrade only 2 equipment 8 times. The failure ratio was immense after 4-5 enhancements and you lose coins every time the Technicus fails.

New Addition: Alliance Smithy

You can see in the picture below that you can access it from the Alliance menu.

I guess it randomly gives you a shitty Equipment. For me it picked the worst, Ordinary Equipment.
We have Level 8 Smithy and till date I have received only like 1 Rare, rest all have been Ordinary till date.

The leader of the alliance can upgrade the Smithy by paying Coins, Wood and stone.

Castellan Equipment

I have observed that different people equip them Commanders as per their needs. Some equip them to attack other players, while some equip them to attack RBCs and some equip to attack the Fortresses. So there is no ideal way to equip your commanders, but that ain't the truth for Castellan. I am telling my trick to everyone. And I don't believe there is a better way to use them. :D

I keep my Castellan unequipped with major equipment, yet equip them with Equipment that help inform me about incoming attacks sooner. This is the screenshot of my Green MC. The view is not clear, but if you click on the image and view it full size you will observe that the Bonus is +41.4% early attack warning. :D Who needs a watch tower now?

Today Technicus Baba appeared and I upgraded all my Equipment that detect attacks early. As a result, my Green castle exceeded the max allowed limit.

Something that should help all of you tremendously.

I read on the forum the following things and sharing with you:

you only have 3 slots when it comes to reforging Legendary stuff. The other three have the "chained and locked" appearance. All you can do, there, is put 3 Legendary items in, and make 1 new Legendary one.

The official page for the Equipment is :

And the discussion forum is :!&highlight=equipment

List of various Equipment and their features:

Please do not forget to add your valuable Knowledge in comments below.

Remember, Rubies or big armies don't win you battles, Knowledge and tactics do!!

By Vishal Verma Google