Saturday 28 November 2015

Spec Ops 31 - As 25 Tarefas

Começou a Spec Ops 31 

Para as mobilizações do chefe épico, serão necessários apenas 2 heróis: Chase Stein e Elsa Bloodstone, ou é preciso pagar 30 ouros para pular a tarefa final.
A heroína prêmio dessa vez é a Jéssica Jones e ela veio na classe Brutamontes.

Paralelo à Spec Ops 31, tem o Chefe em Grupo Kingpin e as caixas fortes do Boomerang.




TAREFA 01 - Derrote 6 membros da Maggia

TAREFA 02 - Use o Justiceiro em combate
Ele é formação de time na missão 1

TAREFA 03 - Derrote a Beetle
Ela é uma minichefe na missão 1

TAREFA 04 - Derrote o Boomerang
Ele é o chefe da missão 1

TAREFA 05 - Complete 1 batalha contra o Kingpin
Ele é o chefe em grupo

TAREFA 06 - Pesquise o item "Pheromone Inhibitors" no laboratório
Requer e consome 1 item "Disassembled Weapon Parts"

TAREFA 07 - Lute em 5 batalhas no PVP

TAREFA 08 - Consiga 2 estrelas na missão 1

TAREFA 09 - Use a Jessica Jones em combate
Ela é formação de time nas missões 1, 2 e 3

TAREFA 10 - Colete 20 Iso's

TAREFA 11 - Crie a "Maggia Tommy Gun" no laboratório
Requer e consome 1 item "Disassembled Weapon Parts"

TAREFA 12 - Use a Misty Knight em 1 batalha

Ela é formação de time na missão 2

TAREFA 13 - Use 1 chamado de socorro

TAREFA 14 - Derrote o Boomerang
Ele é um minichefe na missão 2

TAREFA 15 - Derrote o Shocker
Ele é o chefe na missão 2

TAREFA 16 - Crie o "Maggia Fist" no laboratório
Requer e consome 1 item "Disassembled Weapon Parts"

TAREFA 17 - Vença 3 batalhas no PVP

TAREFA 18 - Consiga 2 estrelas na missão 2

TAREFA 19 - Use o Demolidor em combate

TAREFA 20 - Complete 5 lutas contra o Kingpin
Ele é o chefe em grupo

TAREFA 21 - Crie o "Maggia Targeting Device" no laboratório
Requer e consome 2 itens "Disassembled Weapon Parts"

TAREFA 22 - Complete 3 missões no convés de vôo

TAREFA 23 - Derrote a Beetle

Ela é a chefe na missão 3

TAREFA 24 - Complete 3 estrelas em todas as missões da Spec 31

TAREFA 25 - Derrote o Kingpin épico
Ele é o chefe épico na missão 3. 

Mobilizações obrigatórias: Chase Stein e Elsa Bloodstone
Custo para pular: 30 ouros

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Subterranean Wonderland

Inside the Booming Ice Chasm - the subterranean cave featuring frozen slides which never melt

"A hidden world of giant, frozen slides, this vast ice cave is arguably the world's coolest natural play area.

And best of all, they NEVER melt.

The Booming Ice Chasm is a whopping 460ft deep and lies beneath the Sentry Mountain in the Rockies, Canada.

Inside, crystal clear blue sheets of ice line the chasm - some of which are several metres thick.

Their appearance has been compared to giant blue tongues, sliding into the abyss below.

The slides were formed when rainwater and snow trickled down into the cave's entrance before freezing solid."

Monday 23 November 2015

Sunday 22 November 2015

12,000 Year Old Massive Underground Tunnels are Real and Stretch from Scotland to Turkey

Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. 

While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe.

Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe. READ MORE:
Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe. READ MORE:
Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe. READ MORE:
Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe. READ MORE:
Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe. READ MORE:
Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe. READ MORE:
Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe. READ MORE:

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Cave Digging Subterrenean Artist

Some amazing footage. Thanks to the One Truth forum for finding this.