Sunday, 1 May 2016
Giza Intelligence and Quetzatcoatl
Daozen note:
Is this article correct or not? I don't know, but I suspect there are more than a few truths there. Certainly, someone has been manipulating Terran religions for hundreds of years, and they continue to do so. Note, the reference to Hitler makes no apologies for the atrocities he committed, it just states that he was corrupted by a dark occult German society... Highlights in blue.
He was a very high ranking officer of an extraterrestrial group active during the reign of Egypt. He was wise and kind and was often sent on special missions. One of the missions ought him to South America where he was praised as a god by the Aztecs. He came into contact with Huitzilopochtli, a leader of the Gizeh people, who led the Aztecs to creating the ritual of human blood sacrifices. Quetzalcoatl was against these rituals and a bitter feud developed for power. Huitzilopochtli was able to drive Quetzalcoatl out. He then returned to Egypt.
The Legend of Agharta
In ancient times, around 33,000 years ago, a Lyrian named Muras founded the city of Mu. This city became a country located in the Gobi desert. Mu had two underground cities. Agharta: Apha and Beta. Agharta Beta was the seat of power and was connected to Agharta Alpha by a large tunnel, which has since collapsed. Today, there is a Regent still reigning over the descendants living there.
Mount Shasta
Today, under a mountain in northern California there exists a race of extraterrestrials called Hyperboreans. This mountain is called Mt. Shasta. The entrance to their city is high on the eastern side of the mountain and inaccessible to us. Their ships are gold in color and are sometimes seen entering or leaving the mountain. They are white skinned people who usually have long curly blond hair. They sometimes come out of the mountain to local towns but are very shy toward Earth people. They are the descendants of the ancient Hyperboreans who came to earth over 30,000 years ago.
Easter Island
The occurrences on Easter Island are connected to Tiahuanaco even though they are more than 3000 miles apart. The last colonization of ET's happened around 13,000 years ago. Out of this group came a semi-Ishwish leader named VIRACOCOHA, who was very greedy for power.
He conquered the 12,000 ft. high city of Tiahuanaco and a special body guard of cherubim's settled on a small island near Easter Island called MOT. Mot means bird in the old language. He and his followers were Lyrians with giant bodies around 35 feet tall. They taught the local natives how to use their highly developed machines. The natives, out of tribute, began to construct the statues we see today on Easter Island.
Similar events also happened in the areas call Pisco, Nazca and Sacsayhuaman. On lava walls on Easter Island there are reproductions of spaceships. After several thousand years, the giants suddenly became ill from disease and fled Earth in their ships, taking all the technology with them. Where they landed is not known. We presume they died in their ships.
Many of the statues were never finished. The natives tried finishing them with primitive stones and failed. The natives apparently tried to get the gods back by finishing the statues with red hats made from clay from a local volcano. We do know the giants were somehow in contact with a race of humans in Andromeda prompting an expedition here 2568 years ago. These humans from Andromeda were 180 cm. in height. They stayed for 20 years and months. They built up an advanced culture, which included the Nazca lines and the half-tube channels protecting electrical energy centers. The Andromedans could not acclimate themselves to the earthly atmosphere. They left in a hurry to save their lives.
Giants and Gods
Over the years, many races of titans have colonized many parts of the world. Ancient Lyrians were 25 - 35 feet tall. Many of the Greek gods were among these. Hercules was over 10 feet tall. He and many of the Greek gods were descendants of the Hyperboreans. Noah was around 12 feet tall and Adam was almost 16 feet tall. The great god from the Sumarians, Gilgamesh, was more than 24 feet tall.
Many of our ancestors were giants who, by interbreeding and adjusting to our atmosphere, have become smaller. Ancient dwarf races are likewise becoming larger as they evolve. The present day Pleiadians, whose ancestors were also giants, are about the same size as we are after adjusting to their planet.
The Gizeh Intelligence
A group of extraterrestrials originally called the Bafath came from the far regions of the ring nebula. They are the ancestors of the leader Arussem who was exiled around 3300 years with 72,000 of his followers. They secretly returned to Earth and hid under the Gizeh plateau which supports the great Cheops pyramid of Gizeh. The great pyramid was built by their ancestors 73,370 years ago. At the time, it served as the top of a small underground city, where they then hid. The great pyramid was originally built, along with two others on our planet, as devices to transfer matter and people around the planet. The pyramid was covered with gold at the time and contained an apparatus on the top to enhance the mental energies of the inhabitants.
The outer skin of the pyramid served to keep out unwanted energies, thus allowing the mental powers of those within it to be increased. The other two pyramids are in China and Mexico. They are both covered over with dirt and will be discovered in a few years.
The Bafath creatures are a wicked group who would like to rule the Earth. For almost 2000 years they have tried to take over the Earth by controlling the minds of religious and political leaders through telepathic means.
The Bafath, with the help of a wicked group of aliens from the Pegasus star- constellation, have tried to kill Billy and his group by planting infected insects into his trees. For many years the Bafath have controlled many religious leaders causing confusion and wars among the people. They have also caused illusions of religious saints to come into the minds of people causing them to fall further into delusion and illogical thinking.
Billy's house was attacked again.' Quetzal interferes.
The Bafath caused the Waldport, Oregon incident. People were giving up their worldly possessions to leave Earth in a spaceship. They were told the end of the Earth was near and that they could be saved. An American named Reinhold Schmidt was controlled telepathically to believe he had been in the pyramid to see the crucifixion tools. He also was fooled into thinking he had a ride in a spaceship to the Arctic. This was all illusion caused by telepathy to control the poor man. He is not lying because he actually believes it to be true. As of 1976, 723 persons were under the telepathic control of the Bafath.
Adolph Hitler
Adolph Hitler was born a person of very great worth. He was not spiritually advanced but was of very high intelligence. He was destined to bring great change to the world through his intellect. Through the Thule Society in Germany, the Bafath were able to seize possession of Adolph and to use him for their dark and wicked purposes, something he could not defend himself against. Many around him were also controlled. The world came to hate him without really understanding what had happened.
Kamagol was a wicked leader of the Bafath. A commander of his named Aruseak, known as Ashtar Sheran, pulled away for his command in 1937 in his own personal effort to know the truth. He and his men fled the Earth to keep away from the Bafath. They send information to the minds of many Earth people but are not informed of the truth themselves. You must be careful with their information. In 1977, the Bafath again attacked Billy and his group. This time, the Pleiadians interfered and took Bafath off the planet.
The Blue Race
Living underground for many years, a race of blue-skinned people have sometimes appeared. This race has two cities: one in France and one in Asia. They rarely come to the surface.
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Will Allen, Urban Farmer, Feeds 10,000
If we want a peaceful Rennaisance, we need to get more money to people like this. If only one successful project can be set up, it can be duplicated 10,000 times.
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Awesome Crowdfunding Projects, Thursday April 28th.
Enough to reinvigorate your faith in humanity. We spend 2-3 billion on ciggies and booze every day, but these innovative projects are putting our wasted money to a brighter use. I'll try and reblog more of these if I get time.
4 Signs of a Cult
"four basic behaviors found in extreme form in [destructive] cults: compliance with the group, dependence on a leader, devaluing the outsider, and avoiding dissent. These behaviors are not distinct and independent but interrelated. In my view, they arise in part from what I refer to as the dependency dream, the regressive wish for security that uses the family as a model, creating an authoritarian leadership structure (the parent) and a close-knit, exclusive group (the children).... A continuum of [cultic] behavior exists, from the People’s Temple... to rigid religious groups, corporate cultures, professional societies, [and certain political parties and nations!] and ordinary us/them categories." [1]
How I Got Sucked into a Cult: The Daily Telegraph
“People don’t tend to go looking to join a cult,” he says. “Instead, curious and often idealistic people are led into recruitment and their lives are then ruined. That is certainly what happened to me.”
Nick, 38, has decided to speak out for the first time about his experience because he believes there is still a great deal of misunderstanding and ignorance about how cults recruit people. “There are so many cults out there recruiting everyone from students to the elderly, and the number is rising.”
“I’ve always been a keen environmentalist,” says Nick, who is now a bushcraft teacher, “and the community sounded amazing. It was self-sufficient, set in forest scenery. They kept goats and helped the indigenous population. We had to see it.”
The couple hitched a lift to the reserve. “It was breathtakingly beautiful and instantly inspiring, full of vibrant, happy people living in simple buildings made from wind-felled trees. There was no electricity, radio or television. Allie and I were broke, so when they offered to let us stay as volunteers, it was like a dream.
On their first evening, Nick and Allie joined a group discussion that ended with a short meditation. “It was a bit like a yoga class. We got the impression we were among some very good people who were welcoming two hard‑working Europeans into their community.”
The couple soon found they were being given very little to eat – and requests for more of the vegetarian food were met with accusations of greed. Meanwhile, the new timetable dictated that they wake up at 3.30am for meditation, sermons and parables.
“We were told, why sleep when you can be doing something useful?” says Nick. “I realise now we were being weakened by sleep deprivation and a meagre diet so we’d become too weak to resist the force of the group. They’d talk about how consumerism was destroying the world, agricultural reforestation, how to create a harmonious lifestyle – all topics we found fascinating.
“That was the external face of it. The internal face was the development of self, spiritual evolution, how to become the perfect human being, with the leader a sort of living manual to achieve this. If you questioned him that wasn’t tolerated, and people were ostracised and shunned as punishment.”
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Chintamani Health Warning?
One more thing...
Chinatamani stones are supposed to "raise your vibration" and increase your spiritual power, correct?
Logical observation suggests the opposite.
Most people have realized that Corey Goode is making up his story. The only people who still support him are...wait for it... Chintamani Inner Circlers, who continue to push Corey's ramblings even now, in 2016.
So there is abundant logical evidence that; far from increasing discernment, Chintamanis actually significantly lower your brainpower. The more of them you own, the less you know.
Maybe these precious trinkets should come with a health warning, and buyers could factor in a loss of 5 IQ points per stone.
The true power on Earth is inside the human endocrine system, mind and infinite heart. We don't need anyone to sell us our own power, or even worse, generously give us our own power. Manipulative groups have been doing that for millennia.
It shows a lot about our spiritual immaturity as a planet, if some of us are obsessing over crystalline rocks during a humanitarian crisis. I hope one day these "liberators" decide to plant forests of living food, for 1 cent per seed.
Chinatamani stones are supposed to "raise your vibration" and increase your spiritual power, correct?
Logical observation suggests the opposite.
Most people have realized that Corey Goode is making up his story. The only people who still support him are...wait for it... Chintamani Inner Circlers, who continue to push Corey's ramblings even now, in 2016.
So there is abundant logical evidence that; far from increasing discernment, Chintamanis actually significantly lower your brainpower. The more of them you own, the less you know.
Maybe these precious trinkets should come with a health warning, and buyers could factor in a loss of 5 IQ points per stone.
The true power on Earth is inside the human endocrine system, mind and infinite heart. We don't need anyone to sell us our own power, or even worse, generously give us our own power. Manipulative groups have been doing that for millennia.
It shows a lot about our spiritual immaturity as a planet, if some of us are obsessing over crystalline rocks during a humanitarian crisis. I hope one day these "liberators" decide to plant forests of living food, for 1 cent per seed.
Does "The King of The World" really want people to run around burying 2-3 centimetre stones in the Earth? Seriously? On a planet with multiple humanitarian crises occurring right now? No food, no water, and people are taught to focus on planting crystals in soil? Am I supposed to believe that a hyper-advanced subterranean civilization wants people to ignore the plight of our fellow humans, and focus on luxury New Age jewelry? How many liters of water could you purify for the price of one of those stones?
I was put under pressure to keep my silence about this ill-conceived enterprise. I cannot keep my mouth shut any longer.
In my experience (4 years of contact 2009-2013) I learned that the Agartha Network respects quiet, humble work done unobtrusively. They do not tend to support showboating or bluster. All the people I met who had access to subterranean cities were involved in helping local farmers, water purification, women's rights, and other essential projects. Humans have value.
Why not plant fruit trees, or FOOD? Would the propagators of this "burying stones to liberate the planet" belief system sign an oath/affidavit saying they are really doing this for the good of the Earth, and not for personal reasons? Underneath the pretense of "giving the stones away"...some of them have made a lot of money from this New Age scam. I took investment from a Chintamani ringleader, and despite what you may have heard, I am in the process of paying it all back, as I could not work under the limitations imposed.
Always check both sides of the story before you believe gossip. Does taking investment mean you should look the other way when you encounter an abuse of trust? In this case, the abuse of the name of Agartha, to fatten egos and bank accounts.

The Cintamani project is pure bourgeois delusion. I hope the real Agartha Network sorts this situation out ASAP. That is all.
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Friday, 22 April 2016
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
And yet another Mantra
Good for clearing out negativity on multiple levels. Cleans a soul, or a house. Relax and let your higher self + guides do the work.
Another Bitcoin Exchange Hacked. 315 BTC (130,000USD) stolen by ex-employee.
Luckily, no customer funds were stolen...
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Once Upon a Time. Big Disclosure?
There's more disclosure in OUAT than any show I've seen in 5 years. The series goes into aspects of our existence like parallel lives, the dream double and WHERE some of this is going on. Guaranteed (maybe?) to trigger some memories. While the intel jockeys were stringing us along, others were rubbing mysteries in our faces on primetime TV. Funny old world.
Highly recommended.
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Brainstorming Water Projects
There's way more positive innovation in the crowdfunding community than I could ever keep up with. Tim Smith found this project:
A two minute search found these:
If we want to solve the problems on this planet, we need all hands on deck, experimenting with multiple solutions. Human life is precious, and helping just one person out of poverty is an energizing act.
Of course, if you are a *cough* 'connected insider' waiting on a multi-Trillion dollar payment from a vast humanitarian fund, this post will be utterly trivial to you, so please just disregard it. For the rest of us mortals, crowdfunding is the way forward. :)
Thought-experiment: If you were a white hat financier, what would you be looking for?
Bitcoin War
There's a complicated interplay of currents going on in the 6 billion dollar BTC world right now. Too intricate to explain here. Googling Segregated Witness, Blockstream, Lightning Network and Block Size Limits 1MB will give anyone an overview of the sketchy forces at play. As someone who has dealt with manipulative and overbearing investors, I can easily see how someone with money+ questionable intent can try and use BTC programmers for their own ends. Right now, it looks like BTC core developers could be being steered -by forces who have been proven to be related to the Bilderberg Group (See AXA Strategic Industries)- to *eventually* add centralization and fractional reserve characteristics to BTC. This would spell the end for Bitcoin. That end will never happen, but 'they' will try.
Bitcoin, if managed right, could end up as a part of a decentralized fairer financial system. If it isn't developed correctly, it could just end up being another chain around our necks.
The key is the end user, and how they end up voting with their wallet.
There's a complicated interplay of currents going on in the 6 billion dollar BTC world right now. Too intricate to explain here. Googling Segregated Witness, Blockstream, Lightning Network and Block Size Limits 1MB will give anyone an overview of the sketchy forces at play. As someone who has dealt with manipulative and overbearing investors, I can easily see how someone with money
Bitcoin, if managed right, could end up as a part of a decentralized fairer financial system. If it isn't developed correctly, it could just end up being another chain around our necks.
The key is the end user, and how they end up voting with their wallet.
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Another Backyard Genius: Plantable Coffee Cups Grow into Trees After Use
"Now, a new start-up based in California has come up with an awesome idea for coffee lovers which could help solve two environmental issues at the same time – the problems of excessive waste and deforestation.
The company called Reduce. Reuse. Grow. has created a biodegradable coffee cup which can be buried in the ground after being used and will then plant the seeds embedded in its fibers. Moreover, the seeds embedded in the cup are native to the area where it is bought! Till now, these are only California seeds, but the company plans to expand its activity to other states if its campaign on KickStarter goes well."
Unrelated song:
Unrelated song:
Insidious Globalist "Lightworkers" and their Silver Tongues
"I mean y'know, we're all on the same team, right? Let's not let disagreements divide us, right guys?"
"I mean we all want a better world, true?"
No one likes too much bickering. Should we just drop our differences? Be one big happy family? Superficially these are very admirable sentiments, but if the person spouting them is actively working towards hidden global governance, by;
i) promoting Vladimir Putin as a political messiah,
ii) promising that the AIIB (a globalist bank) will somehow bring abundance,
iii) selling pointless New Age trinkets in the name of the Agartha Network,
iv) keeping people on an intel treadmill by relentlessly promising dates and timeframes that they can't keep,
...then they are either naive or plain insincere.
I try and ignore these self-absorbed muppets. None of the "planetary liberation bloggers" have delivered their mass arrests, trillion dollar payouts, or anything else they have predicted. Their stories are becoming increasingly shaky. And their post-liberation plans look suspiciously close to a white-washed world government.
They are deliberately playing on people's goodwill and wish for co-operation.
Anyway... mini-rant over.
With 2-3 million dollars going through crowdfunding per day, why are people being conditioned to meekly wait for trillion dollar pay-outs from mythical banks(which probably don't exist, anyway)???
On a positive note, I am one thousand percent on the side of the beautiful people who are working RIGHT NOW, to make the world a better place.
Just 15 minutes on any crowdfunding site will reignite anyone's faith in humanity. These people are the true liberators of mankind, and they tend to be too busy building a timeline to write sugary pseudo-essays on their blogs. Their projects are building a truly decentralized future, where we are not dependent on large institutions to survive.
Friday, 8 April 2016
Obama interview in TX: Governments worried Internet Startups are Eroding their Control...
The question we now have to ask is, if technologically it is possible to make an impenetrable device or system where the encryption is so strong that there’s no key. There’s no door at all. Then how do we apprehend the child pornographer? … If … government can’t get in, then everybody’s walking around with a Swiss bank account in their pocket. So there has to be some concession to the need to be able get into that information somehow.
Is he looking for child pornographers/molesters? Is that why we need this monstrous state contraption? If so, just go to the Vatican or Buckingham Palace… plenty there.
O’Bomber didn’t mention bitcoin directly, but no doubt cryptocurrencies are among his concerns. After all, you can carry $1 billion in bitcoin inside your own head via what is called a “brain wallet”. A brainwallet refers to the concept of storing bitcoins in one’s own mind by memorization of a passphrase. As long as the passphrase is not recorded anywhere, the Bitcoins can be thought of as existing nowhere except in the mind of the holder.
Aside from that, bitcoin is indeed like having a Swiss bank account in your pocket. Actually, it’s far better. The Swiss banking industry has bent to the demands of the US government and is no longer private… at all. Bitcoin must really make Obama angry.
Putin the Liberator? So why are the State Duma proposing jail terms for Bitcoin ownership?
As things stand, an official proposal by the Russian Finance Ministry is currently going through the State Duma, in an attempt to officially ban Bitcoin in Russia. The proposal also calls for prison terms for those using or mining Bitcoin, deeming it to be a criminal offence. Currently, the Russian Finance Ministry if proposing up to 7 years in prison for using the cryptocurrency.
See the end of this crypto article.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
If Putin and his inner circle are such innocent, sweet angels....
...as the new age media and Russia Today are reporting.
Why does one of Putin's advisers have a watch with a gold skull on it, which cost upwards of half a million dollars?
We don't want centralized rule from the West OR East. We hope all of these jokers are denied permission to continue plundering our money.
Why does one of Putin's advisers have a watch with a gold skull on it, which cost upwards of half a million dollars?
We don't want centralized rule from the West OR East. We hope all of these jokers are denied permission to continue plundering our money.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
I Paid a Bribe Dot Com and Open Source Surveillance
RepRap: A 3D Printer that Replicates Itself
RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine.
RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself - a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend...
RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. We are using 3D printing to do this, but if you have other technologies that can copy themselves and that can be made freely available to all, then this is the place for you too.
Reprap.org is a community project, which means you are welcome to edit most pages on this site, or better yet, create new pages of your own. Our community portal and New Development pages have more information on how to get involved.
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