Tuesday 19 January 2016

Yahoo and the Ivory Trade

Quote: "The ivory trade is pushing elephants to the edge of extinction, and Yahoo is making a killing from trinket sales in Japan! But right now we have a chance to end this corporate complicity.

Several big brands like Google and Amazon are refusing to sell ivory. Yahoo is one of the few major online markets left. But we could influence that decision. Right now Yahoo is losing some of its best employees, and the CEO is offering millions to convince people to stay. If we threaten to lift the lid on Yahoo’s bloody secret, she could lose staff even faster, and may reconsider the costs of this cruel trade."

Saturday 16 January 2016

Anya Love's New Blog

Link Here

I was surprised a few months ago, when Anya wrote a clause on our declaration of intent, stating that she wanted the skies to be free from chemtrails.... 

Chemtrails stopped over my island, and haven't been back in 4-5 months. 

Do we have powers we're not aware of?

It can't hurt to write down intentions. 


Sunday 10 January 2016

Homeless Haircuts

“My name is Mark Bustos, I’m a hairstylist based out of New York City. On my days off, I go out on the street and look for homeless people to help out. Whether it’s a haircut or just a conversation, I try to help brighten someone’s day.”