Thursday 25 July 2013

Shadow mercenary attacks on Resource Villages - New Trick of Good Game Empire

Shadow mercenary attacks on Resource Villages

Here comes the latest update from Good Game Empire. Now people who can spend rubies can get Resource Villages. In the next update, they will make a change where in anyone can send anonymous attack on Resource Villages of any player utilizing Shadow Mercenaries.
And then that Resource village would appear as free and then anyone can take it. This update is bound to create a lot of chaos. For example, if someone attacks a Resource Village with mercenary soldiers and it becomes free, at the same time someone else whose castle is near that resource village occupies that resource village, Imagine what would that lead to.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Goodgame Empire Nomad Invasion

Good game Empire Nomad Invasion

Hi Guys,

This post is about the latest Update of GGE i.e. Nomad Invasion. This event is based in Green (The Great Empire), where by Nomad Camps are visible on the Map (depending on player level the nomad camps varies from Level 10 - Level 80).

    These camps are guarded by Nomad soldiers, the specifications can be checked below -

    Attacking these nomad Camps will yield Khan Tablets (like rubies that one gets from attacking RBC Towers and Fortresses) along with coins and other resources. The best part of nomad event is, that the loot is simply awesome, almost similar to FP Top level tower loots and in case of top Nomad Camp, more than FP.

    This is the loot that one gets from a lvl 70 nomad camps, so can have an idea, that if you attack these nomad camps non-stop, resources and food is not any issue.

    Similar to other events the Nomad Invasion event also gives the players achievement points. You can have look at it in detail in the below mentioned screen.

    Apart from the loots and achievement points a player can redeem different equipment, special soldiers, Decoration items in exchange of the Khan Tablets.

    Here you can see the various Deco. items that are offered by the Herald -

    Among all the rewards offered by the Herald, in exchange of the tablets, the best Decoration item is Terracotta soldiers, which eats same space as a park but gives great PO (195 PO) in return.

    Strategy to Attack the Nomad Camps 
    This is what we worked out to beat the Nomad camps, most of us the CHV Guys are level 70, so as per our level the  Nomad Camps available to us are level 60, 70 and level 80.

    Below are the Spy reports of each level as an example for further explanation of the simple tactics to beat down the Nomads.

    LEVEL 80

    The above mentioned 2 screens are of level 80, nomad camps, where it is clearly visible that other than the three flanks, the keep is also guarded by soldiers.

    Level 70

    Most (95 percent) of the level 70 nomads that we attacked didn't had any soldiers in the keep.

    Level 60

    Level 50

    Level 40

    Level 30

    Level 20

    Level 10

    Similarly like the level 80 nomads, the level 60 nomad camps keep is also guarded by soldiers in keep.

    Now, here is the strategy -

    1 - Commander - For attacking the nomads and successfully completing the event, you need to design a commander specifically for Nomad hunting keeping into consideration all the factors, such as - Ranged/Meele bonus, Cool down period (since it takes ages for a high level nomad camp to be attacked again like 68 hrs even).

    2 - Wall and Gate bonus reduction - Since the Defense bonus for wall and gate protection is very high for high level nomads, we need to it bring down by using gate/wall bonus tools, or by adding similar equips in the commander.

    Here are the screens of the commanders, that we used for the Nomads -

    Most of our members have completed the equipment task, by a simple strategy, going after level 70 nomads (same can be applied to other level of nomad camps as well, if there are no defenders in keep, or of a single element i.e. either Meele or ranged because losses will be high, if there are mixed defenders in the keep).

    Number of defenders -

    Level 80 - 1900-3300

    Level 70 - 1500-1775

    Level 60 - 900-1200

    A good attack on level 70 nomads will end up with losses between 44-56, depending upon commander bonus.

    here are some screens -
     Level 70

    Level 80

    And we haven't used any ruby tool or the nomad hunting tools for these attacks, so the point is very simple, understand the target, bring down defense bonus, use a proper commander. Happy Hunting!!!

    Saturday 20 July 2013

    Secrets of Goodgame Empire

    Hello everyone,

    All of you would have noticed that we haven't posted much of strategies and secrets that we have to the blog off lately. Primarily because of 2 reasons:

    1. GGE issues: Whatever we used to post here, GGE used to get to know and fix it. So not very nice for us.
    2. Copy cats: I see a ton of people who copy pasted our blog and made their own. In fact almost every major alliance has made one. LOL. People who have copied our hard work and blog, please read something about copyrights and copyscape. I know all of you personally that is why I haven't taken any step against you, or else you cannot even believe how big a law suit I can file against all of you.
    So, if you have to copy, from now on follow these 2 things.

    1. Take written permission from me.
    2. Give a link back to the original post. For example:
    At the end of the post mention the following:

    Original Content Courtesy CHV BLOG LINK, shared with permission.

    I give all of you copy cats to abide by the rules above for existing posts or else I will be forced to get your blog removed by filing a complaint to your hosting company. And trust me, once done, it cannot be brought back. You have 1 week.


    From now on, we will make two types of posts.

    1. For general public.

    2. Inside secrets

    Only subscribers would get access to Inside secrets after due diligence. So start subscribing now.

    PS: We are changing the look and the feel of the blog. So Dont bother with subscribing. We will have a members login area which will give you access to special tips and tricks.

    Posted by 

    Thursday 4 July 2013

    Goodgame Empire - Adventure Maps

    Good game Empire -  Adventure Maps 

    Hello Dear Readers,

    This is the recent update by Good Game Empire, where by the tutorial and Adventure maps are been replaced with a more interesting and enjoyable story.

    This tutorial is available for new players only and is     level - based. The Adventure maps and relics associated with them are only available to players who are yet to redeem / complete their adventures i.e players who have completed the adventures would not be getting relics twice, although one can participate in the new adventures.

    The best part of this update is, that the game has now simplified the tutorial which will enable the new players to quickly grasp the basics of the game and there are some special offers/gifts as well for the new players.

    Take a look at the Welcome note that the old man (the host) have now, when a new player enters to the game.

    Earlier the welcome note was like terror of an RBC King to the kingdom and the player have to attack that RBC tower to start with before moving to the castle for starting with the construction of buildings in the castle, this time around the villain is a new character in the game - Wolfgard, who have taken control over the players Castle and abducted the players sister (sophia) and the player needs to claim his kingdom back and free his sister. (A very nice movie plot) 

    with the above dialog- box the games moves forward and the screen with the latest update i.e. Troops moving around castle is visible.

    once you move the soldiers to indicated direction, the commander comes in, with a message


     This begins the adventure for the player, the player now needs to direct his soldiers on the trails towards his Castle to set it free from Wolfgard

     You can see in the screens that the player needs to click on the trails, highlighted in Red color for moving the soldiers ahead on their way to the Castle.

    Once the Army reaches to the Castle, it is greeted by the Villain in question - Wolfgard.

    once the player clicks on the Green button of the dialog box, the ownership of castle is back with player, this means that after this the player will be now redirected to the castle for constructing the usual set of buildings for level and XP task.

    The Princess is really happy to see the castle free.

    but Alas, wolfgard have kidnapped Sophia, so this will further keep the adventure going to next levels.

    After this, the usual construction stuff begins 

    After completing a barrack, wood cutter, stone quarry and farmhouse, and a recruitment session the adventure is back again.

    Grima The Weasel and the Destroyed Bridge

    I read it on the Forum that players are of the opinion that the  Destroyed Bridge is similar to Thorn King and GGE was continuously denying the fact that it has no similarity with the Thorn Event.

    Verdict - Yes, it is similar to the repairing of  a destroyed bridge in Thorn King.

     and you need resources to repair the Bridge, though there aint no ruby option for the repair at this level, may be in the further updates that will included.

    Ice Native Village poor creature is back in action, this time for the low level players.

    This will redirect you to the castle again, some more builds, then the donation part 

    Once u donate the requisite res for repairing the bridge the army can now be sent to attack 

    On the way moving, the first relic is found in the treasure Chest lying on the trails

    Ancient relic

    The Army will now march forward to the Weasel's Castle

    This ends the Adventure Maps for now, since the new updates will be made in future

    Once the next update is made, you can check the details here, till then, enjoy.