Saturday 24 October 2015

Spec Ops 30 - As 25 Tarefas

Chegou a Spec Ops 30! O herói dessa vez é a SpitFire e ela veio na classe briguento.

Atenção gente, se você já fez as outras missões especiais você sabe... Mas se essa é a sua primeira, você deve conseguir o máximo de isos possível por dia! É com eles que você consegue entrar nas ameaças, chefes, chefes épicos, deploys e fazer as pesquisas das armas. Então peça diariamente iso-8 instáveis para seus amigos (você pode pedir 5 vezes para todos os amigos que jogam MAA) e só pegue eles como presente durante estes dias! O limite de presentes que você pode pegar dos aliados é 50 por dia. Também aproveite para enviar isos como presente para seus aliados! Se eles aceitarem o Iso que você enviou, você também ganha um.
Outra dica, caem isos quando visitamos os nossos vizinhos! Então colete os vizinhos diariamente e se você tiver poucos aliados, adicione mais alguns para conseguir mais isos diariamente! Aqui no blog tem a ADD AREA e a página do Facebook

Então você deve:
  1. Enviar Isos-Instáveis de presente aos aliados
  2. Pedir Isos-Instáveis de presente
  3. Aceitar como presente apenas Isos-Instáveis 
  4. Coletar seus vizinhos
Dessa vez você também precisa enviar aos seus amigos uns Pumpkin Fruit Pie, pois em uma das tarefas você precisará coletar alguns dele.

Para desbloquear a Spec Ops você deve clicar em "Jogar Agora" quando abrir o jogo e aparecer o diálogo informando sobre a nossa Missão Especial, ou ir no seu convés, clicar no avião da Spec Ops e entrar na Missão 1. Ao entrar você irá receber a primeira tarefa.

Os heróis necessários para completar todas as deploys e entrar no chefé épico são:

- Magia
- Angela
- Viúva Negra

O chefe épico é a última tarefa da Spec Ops. É preciso ter estes heróis para entrar e enfrentá-lo, ou gastar ouros pulando esta tarefa para recrutar o herói da Missão Especial. TODOS os heróis de Spec Ops valem a pena gastar ouros. No geral, sempre são ótimos no PVP e no futuro serão vendidos por 200 pontos de comando! Só não pegue o herói se realmente for impossivel! 

Nessa Spec Ops 30, terá o Drácula como chefe em grupo e as caixas fortes do Barão Mordo. 
As caixas arcanas podem ser abertas de 10 em 10 ou de 1 em 1.

O Barão Mordo veio na classe detonador.

  ~.~.~.~   AS 25 TAREFAS   ~.~.~.~  

Vou colocar todas as 25 tarefas da Missão Especial aqui.
Bom jogo AGENTES!!!


Task 1: Derrote 4 Vampiros
Eles estão em todas as Missões

Task 2: Complete 2 mobilizações 
Pode ser feita fora da Spec Ops 30

Task 3: Colete 3 tortas de abóbora 
São presentes que os aliados podem enviar

Task 4: Derrote Umar

Task 5: Complete 1 batalha contra o Drácula 
É o chefe de grupo

Task 6: Pesquise o Magic Salt 
Duracao: 8 horas

Task 7: Use a Spitfire em combate

Task 8: Pegue 2 estrelas na Missão 1

Task 9: Use 6 Magic Salt
Pode ser feita fora da Spec Ops

Task 10: Use o Blade em Combate
Pode ser feito fora da Spec Ops se você tiver o herói

Task 11: Pesquise o Banishing Wand 
Duração: 12 horas

Task 12: Colete 5 Taffy
Encontrados nos mapas aliados 

Task 13: Derrote Hela

Task 14: Use 3 Marshmallow Ghosts em combate
Pode ser feita fora da Spec Ops

Task 15: Colete 3 Candy Buckets 
São presentes que podem ser enviados pelos aliados

Task 16: Pesquise o Binding Amulet
Duracao: 24 horas

Task 17: Complete 5 batalhas PvP
Pode ser feito no modo treino

Task 18: Pegue 2 estrelas na Missão 2

Task 19: Vença 3 batalhas PvP
Pode ser feito no modo treino

Task 20: Complete 5 batalhas contra o Drácula 
É o chefe de grupo

Task 21: Pesquise o Charge of Witches
Duração: 36 horas

Task 22: Use o Barão Mordo em combate

Task 23: Derrote Morgan le Fay

Task 24: Pegue 3 estrelas em todas as Missões 

Task 25: Derrote Dormammu 
Epic Boss da Missão 2


Friday 23 October 2015

A Princess's Plan to Bring Light to the 620 Million Africans Without Power

"Many people living in Africa need electricity, but don’t have it. Luckily, something of a solar power revolution is afoot in Africa, triggering a wave of innovation from solar energy entrepreneurs. One of them is a princess descended from an ancient Mossi warrior, who stresses that the best way to combat this problem is by empowering the people to educate and help themselves."

Products: There are no prices as yet, but we hope that they are kept low. There is more than one solar lighting inititaive in Africa right now. 


Sunday 11 October 2015

Billions in Change - Trailer and Movie

I would like to see the team here focus on even more accessible and low tech solutions, but in general Manoj's approach is better than most, and he is getting things done.

Just watching this trailer represents a vote for a bright future. 

Microflow: Notes for Indian Website Developer

Hi India,

Microflow is a crowdfunding portal currently in development. The site will be for crowdfunding in the 100USD and *below* range.100USD is around 6,500 Indian Rupiah, according to our calculations. 

We are hoping to hire someone from India on a part time, occasional basis. We would like to open Microflow in India as soon as we can. We hope to get more bang for our buck hiring internationally. You will need Paypal to accept funds.

We are hoping to hire an individual instead of a team.

Please email us at with:

1) Your daily/hourly rate in USD.
2) Any quality sites you have worked on recently.
3) 3-5 lines on why you would like to work on a Micro-crowdfunding site.
CV/Resume is unnecessary. You just need to deliver on the tasks given.

Tasks will include working with Nationbuilder software and helping to install crowdfunding pitch and upload pages. We are hoping to make the site as minimal and user-friendly as possible.

Work on the site has only just started now:

Progress is slow, as we are all busy on other projects.

If it hits critical mass, Micro-crowdfunding could eventually flip the world economy on its head. 
Right now, 4-6 billion people could directly benefit from a portal that would help them get on the crowdfunding ladder.
We are looking for someone who can help out on a task by task basis. I am good at giving bullet pointed feedback, and telling people what I would like to happen next. 
90 per cent of web design is fiddly tasks that need to be executed one by one. If you are detail oriented and patient, you may enjoy this project.

We need people who can write succinctly and clearly, if you can do this, work on Microflow should be fun.  
You need to be able to figure out Nationbuilder software, which is not too hard to use. If you can work blogspot, Nationbuilder is maybe twice as difficult. 
Later, we will showcase to Bitcoin and other financial liberation communities. This will give us more funds to hire people. 
If you can help, please write to;

Thanks for reading..

Saturday 3 October 2015

PVP 24 - A-Bomb

Chegou o PVP 24!

Como divulgado aqui antes, o herói recompensa da liga adamantium é o A-Bomb.

As recompensas das ligas serão:

PRATA: 100.000 pratas
OURO: 10 ouros
VIBRANIUM: Iso fortificado

A playdom está colocando Isos Fortificados na liga VIBRANIUM desde que o uniforme recompensa do PVP ficou bugiado e não conseguiram consertar. Como teve problema com um uniforme, eles estão dando Isos por enquanto.

Simulated Reality in Fiction / Flynn enters TRON


Thursday 1 October 2015

Fake vs Real Divine Feminine

Surely all of these dark groups are patriarchal. But they are splintered into different groups which are fighting against each other for power and domination of humanity and earth.

The Cabal groups known as the Vatican, the queen, the Illuminati, the Black nobility ... obviously dominators and patriarchal, are one group. They currently have - or better, have had up until now - the domination of Humanity and Earth.

But there are still two other dark groups which pursue - or now have pursued - the domination of Earth and Humanity. They are working together for the same goal - Artificial Intelligence.
One group is the dark secret societies, which are all very nebulously linked to one another so as not to be discovered.

They are mostly invisible to the public under the cloak of Esoteric and false spirituality (such as around Rennes-le-Château known as Prior de Sion, which are branching out in vast subgroups.)

In the public they appear as very civilized, and highly spiritual as they have enormous knowledge about these area. They are working with structures like the Mafia so they have infiltrated everything: (government, public organisations ....all Lightworker groups)

They are striving for power (universal power) and have recognized that they only get this power via the Divine Feminine. They appear as they would be venerating the Divine Feminine. However in reality they are successfully deluding people, in order to connect and get the Divine Feminine power in the form of free will, in an absolute distortion of free will.

They are trying to heist the Ancient Holy Knowledge and the Divine Feminine Power for abusing it for their purpose of Artificial Intelligence.

For this they are trying to create an Illusion (!!!) of a New Renaissance in abusing and distortion of high spiritual power.

And then there is the group more or less obviously linked to the Nazis, they are trying to abuse for example vril or the magic of Untersberg......The Vril Woman ...... All they do they do for the same purpose as the dark secret societies: Artificial Intelligence

The Nazi groups and these dark secret societies are working together, they have had the same goal, to overcome the Earth dominating cabal group to take the Earth and Humanity in their possession. They are working with occultism/black magic, high developed techniques, sexual magic.

But now it's GAME OVER !!! HOORAY !!!