Thursday 1 October 2015

Fake vs Real Divine Feminine

Surely all of these dark groups are patriarchal. But they are splintered into different groups which are fighting against each other for power and domination of humanity and earth.

The Cabal groups known as the Vatican, the queen, the Illuminati, the Black nobility ... obviously dominators and patriarchal, are one group. They currently have - or better, have had up until now - the domination of Humanity and Earth.

But there are still two other dark groups which pursue - or now have pursued - the domination of Earth and Humanity. They are working together for the same goal - Artificial Intelligence.
One group is the dark secret societies, which are all very nebulously linked to one another so as not to be discovered.

They are mostly invisible to the public under the cloak of Esoteric and false spirituality (such as around Rennes-le-Château known as Prior de Sion, which are branching out in vast subgroups.)

In the public they appear as very civilized, and highly spiritual as they have enormous knowledge about these area. They are working with structures like the Mafia so they have infiltrated everything: (government, public organisations ....all Lightworker groups)

They are striving for power (universal power) and have recognized that they only get this power via the Divine Feminine. They appear as they would be venerating the Divine Feminine. However in reality they are successfully deluding people, in order to connect and get the Divine Feminine power in the form of free will, in an absolute distortion of free will.

They are trying to heist the Ancient Holy Knowledge and the Divine Feminine Power for abusing it for their purpose of Artificial Intelligence.

For this they are trying to create an Illusion (!!!) of a New Renaissance in abusing and distortion of high spiritual power.

And then there is the group more or less obviously linked to the Nazis, they are trying to abuse for example vril or the magic of Untersberg......The Vril Woman ...... All they do they do for the same purpose as the dark secret societies: Artificial Intelligence

The Nazi groups and these dark secret societies are working together, they have had the same goal, to overcome the Earth dominating cabal group to take the Earth and Humanity in their possession. They are working with occultism/black magic, high developed techniques, sexual magic.

But now it's GAME OVER !!! HOORAY !!!

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