Can you feel it?
Monday, 31 August 2015
Sunday, 30 August 2015
The Timeline We Are Building. Sworn Declaration. Rough Draft.
Laws and Points for the Future of Earth.
We ask all subterranean, ultra-terrestrial and star nations to assist in enforcing the following declaration:
This is the timeline we want to build.
1. We want action oriented alternative media to be centre stage in our timeline.
2. We want Microfinance to be the dominant economic force on Earth.
3. We want all fake financial groups to be outed, sidelined, and removed from the timeline.
4. We want fake whistleblower leaders to be outed, sidelined and removed from the timeline.
5. Anyone who dishonestly monetizes the name of Agartha, the Pleiades, The Freedom Alliance and other star systems should be removed from the timeline we are building.
6. We don't consent to sharing a timeline with people who lie about the extent of their contact with the liberation forces.
7. We don't consent to sharing a timeline with people who lie about their social status.
8. Sedation/distraction controlled opposition media should be removed from the timeline we are building.
8 Points
1. We want action oriented alternative media to be centre stage in our timeline.
The so called liberation media are encouraging passivity by rarely issuing calls to action. In fact, the entire subtext of their writing appears to be "sit back, relax, and wait for freedom to come." This is not explicitly stated, but the implication is there. This has been going on for over 3 years now. Much longer in other cases.
We want passive/sedated oriented media to fade from this timeline.
What does action mean?
i) Focusing on NOW instead of waiting for AFTER a mythical event.
ii) Food, water and humanitarian aid is a priority not a quaint hobby.
iii) Focus on grassroots, base up transition models instead of top down change.
iv) Clear, executable plans.
v) No hidden links to nefarious agencies or civilizations.
vi) Focus on helping readers and listeners make their own links with non surface civilizations, instead of promoting "celeb whistleblowers."
vii) As much information as possible should provide a clear call to action.
viii) No more distraction about the greater human collective.
2. We want Microfinance to be the dominant economic force on Earth in our timeline.
Microfinance or macrofinance? People are busy crowdfunding their own destiny with microfinance, but corrupt alternative media leaders are telling their followers to sit back, relax, and wait for BRICS and the AIIB to open. Why are they encouraging this economic passivity? When will these banks open? "Soon". There is significant evidence that BRICS and the AIIB are less than trustworthy:
China bullies Taiwan using the AIIB:
3. We want all fake financial and controlling military groups to be outed, sidelined, and removed from the timeline.
- Any group providing audio only "updates"without transcribing to text,
- Any group not being more transparent about their accounts,
- Any group employing anyone accused of embezzling or other crimes,
Is now assumed to be acting in bad faith.
We want all media promoting the AIIB, BRICS and other fake disbursal groups to be outed, removed, and to dissolve from this timeline.
We want all governments, entities and individuals promoting centralized banking dictatorship to be removed immediately, using any means or force necessary. We intend that the timeline forks infinitely, and they are sidelined from this existence.
We want all groups that use chemtrails, invasive surveillance technology, poisoned food, hidden nanotech, implants and any other related totalitarian technology to be sidelined from this timeline by any means necessary.
Additions from I AM Love and Daozen:
* Those who use AI surveillance techniques for any purpose, without and/or against the free-will consent of any individuals or groups, are to be removed from this timeline.
* The ability to direct mind control techniques at ANYONE will be removed immediately and permanently.
* Any entity, group or individual who knowingly diminishes, distracts or obfuscates the impact of ecological & humanitarian crisis on our home Gaia, such as deforestation, radiation, water, aetheric and air pollution, is to be removed from this timeline.
* Any individual downplaying the significance of CERN or other AI intelligence agendas such as HAARP is to be removed from this timeline.
* Any individual or group who attempts to (or succeeds in) imposing upon any living creature's Divine Right to sovereignty is to be removed. CAVEAT: Where does that leave anyone who eats meat or drives a car? We leave this to the discretion of the liberation forces.
Added, Sep 4th, 2015.
4. We want fake whistleblower leaders to be outed, sidelined and removed from the timeline.
All around, many people are learning how to exit their own bodies, OBE, bilocate, and explore infinity using nano-travel techniques, but the fake alt media are telling their followers to sit back, and passively read the latest data-mined story from fake whistleblowers. All whistleblower leaders with hidden links to intelligence agencies and the cabal should be removed from this timeline.
5. Anyone who dishonestly monetizes the name of Agartha, the Pleiades, The Freedom Alliance and other star systems should be removed from the timeline we are building.
We support small business, but we do not support the monetization of the good name of the Agartha Network, The Pleaides, Arcturus, Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, Procyon and other subterranean/star networks simply for the purposes of drawing investment from well meaning investors, and fattening personal bank accounts.
We ask the Agartha Network to pay special attention to any groups, individuals or enterprises attempting to monetize star nation names for their own cynical purposes, and to expose, remove and sideline any groups looking to make money on people's confusion and hope. Hope is not a commodity to be preyed on. We ask that all investment manipulators are exposed and removed from this timeline.
6. We don't consent to sharing a timeline with people who lie about the extent of their contact with the liberation forces.
We ask that any group, individual or entity pretending to have close contact with the liberation forces, or claiming a royal or military position that they don't have, be removed from the timeline.
7. Lying about status.
We ask that any group lying about their status, or giving themselves airs and graces, or false honorifics, be removed from the timeline we are building. We also ask that backstabbers and manipulators be removed from our timeline.
8. Sedation/distraction Media should be removed from the timeline we are building.
Any media attempting to sedate or distract people with nefarious or unclear promises they can't keep, should be sidelined from this timeline.
All around us, there is a Renaissance waiting to happen, but a small group of readers in a corner of the blogosphere are being taught to sit back and "wait for freedom". In no way are they being encouraged to forge their own destiny.
In all my years of training with subterraneans, and underground contactees, I was told to relax, slow down, reorient, recuperate, but I was never told to sit back and "wait". The time is NOW, not SOON.
Reality is something that occurs from the "inside out", it is a co-creative act that comes from the inner realms, instead of from the outside in. We live inside a collaborative hologram.
In the words of one anonymous contributor:
"People are also waiting for reality to happen ''to'' them, as in an external ''event'' rather than creating from within .. from their co-creative powers of visualization into manifestation."
What would happen if Médecins Sans Frontières waited til "after"?
We do not consent to a "Matrix Positive" i.e. "Happy Global Government" timeline. May that timeline be dissolved and removed.
We do not consent to sharing a timeline with demagogues who promote multiple dead end projects.
We do not consent to sharing a timeline with backstabbers and unctuous politickers.
Free Will Universe
It is your free will to try and manipulate people, it is our free will to appeal to the Agartha Network and ALL the networks interacting with us, to forcibly clear the timeline of manipulators.
Sworn Declaration
We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is a true and correct expression of our will. Executed on 31st August 2015.
Intention Picture From Anya Love:
A Letter of Intent from Beverly Pennel;
Side-stepping the gazillion distractions for a moment, and focusing on the change in the world we wish to see, let's begin setting and spreading intentions for the world we WANT to see...starting here on my wall...and then making it spread on every Facebook wall, page and group by asking people to tell YOU what they envision for our world. Let's feed and SEED the worldwide web with our positive intentions by putting them into words. It doesn't have to be long; short and sweet works. The more people we can get to say and "intend" what they want to see changed via electronic words, the faster we can manifest everything we want for Mother Earth.
The Germinator
I have heard of subterranean cities using UV light to cleanse people before they enter Agartha.
A websearch shows we have that kind of tech on the surface already. Type "UV cleaner" for hundreds of results. Ozone generators could clean rooms as well. HUman cleaning is still needed, but this technology could stop germ buildup.
If commercial units are overpriced, here's someone installing UV lighting by himself:
A websearch shows we have that kind of tech on the surface already. Type "UV cleaner" for hundreds of results. Ozone generators could clean rooms as well. HUman cleaning is still needed, but this technology could stop germ buildup.
If commercial units are overpriced, here's someone installing UV lighting by himself:
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Orion Part Two: Empire of the Divine Feminine.
Their opponents is the Patriarchal Regime, which is led by the Lords from Sirius, and unfortunately, we humans here on Earth have been caught in the middle of this ancient struggle between matriarchs and patriarchs. These papers are meant to, and hopefully will, shed some light on this issue and present some suggestions to resolve it, perhaps once and for all. It may sound very ambitious, but maybe the soulution is simpler than we think, if we all work together.
The Orion Empire is a Matriarchal Society, where everything centers on a Queen, who is said to be the multidimensional representative of the Mother Goddess, but it is not a Matriarchal Regime from how I have had it described, because it does not exclude the male from the picture.
It is clearly understood by all races who subscribe to the religion of the Orion Empire that the Universe is feminine and that males and females work together to achieve their goals to assist the Goddess in her creation. Males and females live in harmony and just have different roles. However, there have been a few races who have not succeeded in understanding the synthesis which is the natural result between the thesis and the anti-thesis of female and male, and jealousy amongst the males have been prominent and led to conflicts also in Orion at times.
Orion, I've been told by an anonymous source, is more like a 'bee hive community', where everyone is learning their place in life, and each person is supported by the rest to develop the skills and the passions that a person wishes to enhance in order to contribute to the overall society. Because the Orions are so closely connected to Mother Goddess, there are very rarely any conflicts within the Empire.
Caixas Fortes do Blizzard + Pré PVP 24
Chegou a nova temporada de PVP e as caixas fortes do Blizzard.
Ele veio na classe Detonador e a Playdom fez novamente aquela jogada da gente não poder abrir as caixinhas antes da data estipulada por eles. Ou seja, vamos recolher o maior número possível de caixas e abrir quando chegar a hora certa.
Enquanto isso, na pré temporada de PVP, você pode fazer algumas tarefas e ganhar Iceboxes de recompensa. Como em todas as pré temporadas do PVP, ele é mais curto e não dá arma, uniforme nem herói de presente. As recompensas são prata, ouro e itens para a limitada do PVP.
TEXTO: Vivian Roncon
Andromeda: 2 New Songs
Better than the last ones. Epiphone SG through distortion only...
Used a Boss RC-3 Loop Pedal For This One
Friday, 28 August 2015
Expanded Anonymous Chatbox Now Here
We have an active community on emails but not all of you know each other. I made this Anonymous Shoutbox so people can chat and meet without logging on, without handles.
No sign up, no hassle.
You can make a handle if you like, or just chat anonymously. I'll copy paste this widget into more of my posts.
This blog has been very successful so far. The only downside is the relative lack of comments.
Email lists with many people are a time sink, so I hope more of you meet each other publicly.
IRC channel coming in future.
Omnec Onec - Venusian Ambassador on Jerry Springer
The current round of whistleblowers are distracting people from the genuine contactees out there. This is a fascinating interview with Omnec Onec, who claimed to come to Earth from Venus, as a child.
I defy anyone to watch for 5 minutes and not become captivated by her intelligence, poise and integrity.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Donald Marshall / Beyonce
Donald Marshall: Her stage clones she uses sometimes are better made and primped and hair done and everything. Beyonce wants out of cloning badly. It's why the abnormal behavior and faces poses during concerts. She wants people to know something is wrong without getting herself in trouble with the clones vrill and hosts.
Monday, 24 August 2015
War of the Caverns, by Tom Lucas
If the importance of the caverns beneath Siloam Springs and Eureka Springs [CIA-Masonic-Mafia 'underground' drug capital in Arkansas...] is a bane of contention between the picturesque little towns, Hot Springs, Arkansas, would be the next logical choice for investigation.
During the 1930 Prohibition days, it was frequently reported in a Chicago newspaper that Chicago gangsters traveled often to Hot Springs to go to the horse races and soak in the hot baths. It seems reasonable, based on what we think we know now, that during the lulls in recreational activities in Hot Springs, leaders of the various gangs made discrete trips to the caverns beneath the city to brag about their latest exploits and to bring offerings of gold.
To get a rough idea of what a cavern map of the U.S. would look like, simply pull out a road map of any state and identify all of the dense population centers, be they cities or hamlets. Where there is a city on the surface of the earth, there is a city in the caverns below that city...'as above, so below.' The co-relation breaks down as the size of the population centers dwindle...
"In the early 1930's, the caverns of Hot Springs must have been the U.S. capital, or at least a regional area, for the marketers of illegal alcohol.
"Cavern communities close to the surface are probably not completely self-supporting and require huge injections of funds to keep them going. These facilities lack the super-technologies of those caverns much deeper in the earth, and require much gold for trading with people within cities deeper in the Earth's crust. An ounce of gold in the underworld has as much or greater buying power than on the surface because the deeper super-productive cities need all the gold they can get and are willing to make generous trades for gold. This relieves the near-surface caverns of the burden of secreting goods and services from the surface world which would be a real security headache.
"Cities beneath cities, and some hamlets, require injections of wealth from the surface that doesn't leave paper trails to their caverns. Each cavern has to develop and specialize in some particular money-making scam, or any number of sting embezzlements to bring in a constant stream of traceless cash and gold.
"One cavern, for example, specializes in addictive drug sales, another bank embezzlement and fraud, another stock market riggings, government money transfer schemes, along with other more esoteric and less known ways of generating profit that must eventually be converted to cash and gold that cannot be traced. The expression underground cash economy is probably a semi-cryptic phrase that refers directly to installations beneath cities notorious for dealing only in cash and gold.
(Note: The notorious 'inner world' researcher and writer Richard Shaver did state that organized crime syndicates were one of the larger elements operating within the secret cavern systems, and that the term "the underworld" -- as a description of organized crime networks -- is more than just a coincidence. - Branton)
"When America was young, developing underground caverns beneath American cities having a flavor of anarchy similar to communities developing on the surface, did not at the time have formal relations with each other... not even "wild-west" sub-surface communities in the American West... "as above, so below."
"Over a period of time, cavern communities within regional areas geographically near each other found they had to get along with each other in a non-competitive manner, to encourage synergetic relationships which tended to raise the standard of living of each of the involved cavern communities. Each cavern specialized in an area of crime-monopoly expertise that wasn't in competition with neighboring caverns. If a regional area demonstrated it could keep surface dwellers in line -- e.g., keep them thinking the 'right' thoughts, stifling all real creativity, via the under-ground's crack people-management teams and organizations on the surface in the form of police departments, public schools, controlling secret societies, quack medical fraternities, polished propagandists and moralists, a sufficiently initiated CLERGY, etcetera -- then this regional area is allowed to incorporate into a semi-autonomous fiefdom that would eventually reflect on the surface as "a county" in the U.S... "As above, so below."
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Orion Part One: Have We Been Lied to?
Wes Penre on Orion:
3. The Structure of the Orion Empire
If we do a quick google search on Orion Empire, we see there is a lot of negative information about Orion. It's hard to find anything positive at all on these "blood-thirsty, man-eating, shape-shifting Reptilians" who are fighting with other races to take over the control of Earth. It makes us shiver almost by just hearing the word 'Orion'. According to the Ra Material[11], the Aryans being the only star race in present time, able to occasionally penetrate the 'grid' that is surrounding Earth to keep negative ETs out, and that is inflicting with human business in a negative sense. The Ra collective is referring to the Aryans as negative density beings. Robert Morning Sky presented them as ruthless killing machines in his early work, but in his final 'Terra Papers', after he'd done some additional research, they became less monstrous and more or less presented as a warrior race which settled down and evolved into a more peaceful empire, specializing in business and trade. This is easier to endorse, because I have a hard time believing that this ancient star race is based upon mindless non-thinkers and violent man-eaters.
Still, how can Orion have gotten such a bad reputation? One would think there would be something good information about them, at least? Well, here is where I have to use the term 'anonymous, reliable source', or the reader will probably never know the truth. The amazingly bad reputation the Orion Empire has is mostly due to back-stabbing from the Patriarchal Regime (read the Sirian Overlords). Because when we think about it; if the Universe is feminine in nature and the Orion Empire, led by the Queen, is embracing the Divine Feminine, the Religion of the Mother Goddess, why would she and her people be so monstrous?
This is a Free Will Universe, and anyone can create as they please if they are ready to take the consequences -- even war. And it looks like war and conquest is a part of many star races' evolution, while they are still uncertain about their own survival as a species, and therefore need to expand their domains in not always a peaceful manner. However, in time they learn and start expanding by spiritual means instead and usually become more peaceful in the process. For some species it takes longer (again, read the Sirian Overlords), but others, rather sooner than later, 'get it!'
So also with the Aryan Reptilian race. They became a peaceful Empire long before mankind was even born. They still up to this day sometimes have to defend themselves against intruders of lower consciousness, but they always try peaceful means to show the intruders to the door before they use force. But they still have their MAKH Warriors, who have always been ferocious when comes to protect the Empire and the Queen (see Morning Sky's work for references to these terms).
In the far ancient past there was a conflict between the Sirians and the Aryans, which resulted in a short war (actually, just a few battles) and conflicts that were resolved, but then became an issue again. There was also a Galactic War raging at one point, but when that happened, the Aryans and the Sirians were in fact fighting side by side as joined forces, and not against each other.
These days, the Aryans don't conquer other star systems by force. Instead, when star races evolve in different star systems, they more often than not ask to become members of the Orion Empire because of its strength, its unity, peaceful nature, but also for trading benefits. The Orion Empire is perhaps the biggest Empire in business and trade in the Universe, if we are to refer to the size of the Empire, which is vast. It reaches far out from the star constellation of Orion, to other parts of the Galaxy, and further into other galaxies.
Healing the Oceans
But it only takes a few to disrupt the balance for all. Chemical spills, oil leaks and radio-activity have disrupted the state of balance. Make no mistake, the Earth will heal herself given time... but we can support Her in her efforts to add momentum to this recovery.
If a handful of men can caused all this damage, then it only makes sense that a handful of us (in partnership with the natural healing capabilities of Life itself) can speed up the process of restoring balance.
Many are already aware of the work of Dr. Emoto, which has scientifically proven our relationship to water... and all Life. These principals are fundamental in the healing of Earth and ourselves in the process. This video is worth watching, to further establish this into knowingness.
The Mariana Trench

Click link for more info... About the Mariana Trench
Sit, Relax, Breathe deeply...
Connect to your sacred Heart space
Allow all thoughts to melt away... until you are simply in state of Love and Beingness
Feel yourself underwater, the wetness on your skin
Become ONE with the water... (Feel as it Feels)
Request to go to the Mariana Trench
Allow yourself to navigate...
Once there, witness the Earth's healing efforts
She incorporates it All back in... giving it loving rebirth
Assist in any way your Heart guides...
Once this feels complete, Feel yourself as the water of the ocean (as a whole)
You are Everywhere and Nowhere all at once
Being the Love that you ARE, Send your Love to the Ocean, and all Life that lives there
Visualize the Love emanating from your Heart spreading to every molecule of water
It is crystalline and pure... it is Healed... and so are you!
(These instructions are only a guideline, trust your Heart to guide and allow the moment to dictate where you go, what you see and how you feel) Please share your experience here for All...
Connect to your sacred Heart space
Allow all thoughts to melt away... until you are simply in state of Love and Beingness
Feel yourself underwater, the wetness on your skin
Become ONE with the water... (Feel as it Feels)
Request to go to the Mariana Trench
Allow yourself to navigate...
Once there, witness the Earth's healing efforts
She incorporates it All back in... giving it loving rebirth
Assist in any way your Heart guides...
Once this feels complete, Feel yourself as the water of the ocean (as a whole)
You are Everywhere and Nowhere all at once
Being the Love that you ARE, Send your Love to the Ocean, and all Life that lives there
Visualize the Love emanating from your Heart spreading to every molecule of water
It is crystalline and pure... it is Healed... and so are you!
(These instructions are only a guideline, trust your Heart to guide and allow the moment to dictate where you go, what you see and how you feel) Please share your experience here for All...
That Damn Moon / Floating Into Orion
Just a looped electric guitar played live. No effects except a little delay and distortion. Sound should improve over the next few weeks and months as I get to grips with my equipment. Daozen.
Floating Into Orion
Saturday, 22 August 2015
Escaping the Cage

It started in hearts of man, then spread to the system that man permissioned, that led to allowing the grid that imprisoned our souls. Every level of this cage is a manifestation of the SAME thing (illusion) and they are ALL of our own making. The only way to have an effect on it is to start from the bottom-up and the inside-out.
We are in a triple cage
The Ego, the System, the Grid

Even if we opened the cage of the grid... and the cage of the system... We would STILL be caged! Once we open the first cage, of our egos and free ourselves, it is much easier to open the others. The pattern is the same... Dissolve the illusion with LOVE!
If we were to tear down the "System" today... odds are, we would only rebuild it! As long as there are egos at play, we are destined to create an outer reality of disharmony. What inner fears do we all carry that the system is created for to save and protect us from? Fear of attack, of inequality, of injustice... Until enough of us can claim responsibility for our own creation and stop needing someone from the outside to save and protect us we are destined for a life in the system. Our fears, hatred, greed (all Illusions) are the foundation on which our current "system" is built and it is the root of our disempowerment that led to the grid.
Escaping the Cage
We will continue being trapped as long as we feel trapped

How do we start feeling free while seemingly captured in all these cages? We can start by IMAGINING what it would feel like to escape the cages. Imagining is a very powerful tool... who's to say we are not imagining our reality already? It doesn't matter if what you feel is "real", because simply feeling it makes it real! Once we feel it enough, it becomes our reality!
Let's Imagine how it FEELS to be Free
Sit, Relax, Close your eyes and Breathe... Connect to your sacred Heart space
Start with the first cage... your ego
Picture yourself there, see the bars around you
Feel the isolation, the separation, the restriction
You may feel a panic, allow it pass
It is just the illusion of the ego trying to grasp for control
Observe all "negative" emotions being dissolved by the light of your heart
Allow your Love to absorb all the dark... until there is nothing left but light
Imagine you are a cloud
You are vaporous, etheric and weightless
(If you feel "heavy" just rain a little and drop the extra baggage)
Realize you can no longer be contained!
You are free to pass through the bars
Allow yourself to feel the liberation!
The second cage is now blocking your path
The bars are more close together
Transform yourself into a butterfly
Effortlessly fly through the bars of the prison!
Ahead you see freedom
You fly and fly, but then "splat"
You hit a clear plexiglass dome surrounding the atmosphere above
You see the Sun through it... but how do you get past the invisible prison?
Connect your Heart to the Sun
Imagine how IT feels... full of Love and Radiance
Be one with the Sun, merge with it
Be THERE with it, You ARE the Sun!
Look below you... you are on the Sun now!
You can see the dome you came from....
You are ALREADY Free!
Picture yourself there, see the bars around you
Feel the isolation, the separation, the restriction
You may feel a panic, allow it pass
It is just the illusion of the ego trying to grasp for control
Observe all "negative" emotions being dissolved by the light of your heart
Allow your Love to absorb all the dark... until there is nothing left but light
Imagine you are a cloud
You are vaporous, etheric and weightless
(If you feel "heavy" just rain a little and drop the extra baggage)
Realize you can no longer be contained!
You are free to pass through the bars
Allow yourself to feel the liberation!
The second cage is now blocking your path
The bars are more close together
Transform yourself into a butterfly
Effortlessly fly through the bars of the prison!
Ahead you see freedom
You fly and fly, but then "splat"
You hit a clear plexiglass dome surrounding the atmosphere above
You see the Sun through it... but how do you get past the invisible prison?
Connect your Heart to the Sun
Imagine how IT feels... full of Love and Radiance
Be one with the Sun, merge with it
Be THERE with it, You ARE the Sun!
Look below you... you are on the Sun now!
You can see the dome you came from....
You are ALREADY Free!
Repeat the exercises until you feel free your daily life.

Let your imagination and heart be your guide, explore and find different ways out of the cages...
There is no right or wrong way, let the moment dictate where you go and how you do it. Let others know how YOU did it by sharing your experience in the comments.
This is using our dna-skin suit technology, and reclaiming our independence by acknowledging the truth of who we ARE... timeless, transcendent beings of infinite Love and Light!
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