Saturday 15 August 2015

Sacre Bleu, C'est Un Rage Quit!

Alt Media Drama Alert!:

Oh my! 

One of our French translators, un very important personne in the alt media scene, has finally flounced off the project after threatening multiple rage quits. 

This is a relief for all of us. Names shall be withheld for now. Suffice it to say, the co-operation was  a New Age nightmare, involving dozens of snubbed mails, covert power games, possible smear campaigns and all manner of fun.

If he wishes to talk about this publicly, he may do so, and then we can discuss the entire co-operation openly.

Until then, if anyone else wants to help Translate Contact With Agartha En Francais, please write to us. We have about 100 pages, left which will be spread among 2-4 people. There is no time limit or rush to get this done.

Bon Soir

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