Monday 3 August 2015

Smoking Gun Evidence of Cabal Interference in the Blue Avian Psy-Op.

Don't want to ruffle any feathers here, but:

It's still worth reading the Blue Avian story, because it offers us an insight as to how TPTW want(ed) to control the narrative of the next few years. It goes deeper than some guy making up lies in his bedroom. He has a point of contact with the cabal. Look at this:

Michael Salla: Q8. Which group of extraterrestrials helped the Nazi’s in their battle with Admiral Byrd in 1946/1947, and developing an off-world presence?

There was help from the Draco Federation as well as a group that the NAZI’s were led to believe were ET’s (referred to as “Arianni” or “Aryans”, sometimes called “Nordics”) but were actually an Ancient Earth Human Break Away Civilization that had developed a Space Program (referred to as “The Silver Fleet”) and created vast bases below the Himalayan Mountains (largest in Tibet and call the system Agartha) and a few other regions. The first craft they built used Mercury turbines, and electro-gravity engines were developed by the assistance of this group. Again the NAZI’s and to this day many Earth Humans who are in contact with them and others believe them to be ET’s (because of their deceptions) when they are actually very much Earth Based Humans from Ancient Break Away Civilizations. I have heavily avoided speaking in depth about the few Ancient Break Away Earth Civilizations that have Space Programs and massive bases on the Earth, the Moon and elsewhere in the Sol System and other Sol Systems. Some of them have been extremely deceptive and convinced some people that they are ET groups that are here to assist Humanity. Some people have memorized some of these stories like some people memorize religious text. The Illuminati/Cabal has had a falling out with some of them and want them exposed for what they are. I think they should do the dirty work. I am not going to cause controversy that will just be a distraction from the main Blue Avian Message of Becoming Loving, Forgiving and Focusing on Expanding your Consciousness and Vibration.

This is smoking gun evidence. From this quote you can discern 3 things.

1) GOODET has a point of contact with the Cabal/Illuminati.
2) They don't like the Agartha Network and are starting a pre-emptive smear campaign.
3) He doesn't like what they are pushing him to say.

This all comes down to the fight between the natural and the cybernetic timeline. Agartha wants to build "Lord of the Rings with Laptops." Imagine living in the Shire with smartphones. The Cabal want to build THX1138/Robocop.

We get to choose.

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