Work on our financial liberation project continues:
We have made a start, but progress is slow, as we are all busy on other projects. The portal will be for crowdfunding in the 100USD and *below* range.
If it hits critical mass, Micro-crowdfunding will eventually flip the world economy on it's head
Right now, 4-6 billion people could directly benefit from a portal that would help them get on the crowdfunding ladder.
We are looking for someone who can help out on a task by task basis. We will try and divide web-tasks into small 10-20 minute chunks to work around people's time. I am good at giving bullet pointed feedback, and telling people what I would like to happen next.
90 per cent of web design is fiddly tasks that need to be executed one by one. If you are detail oriented and patient, you may enjoy this project.
By dividing the project into micro-tasks, I can fit in with people's schedule, and make lists of jobs that people can do.
We also need people who can write succinctly and clearly, focus on the task, and just get on with the minutiae of getting a website running, without any egotism, politicking, control issues, flaking and other time wasting games. If you avoid these issues, collaborating on Microflow should be fun.
You need to be able to figure out Nationbuilder software, which is not too hard to use. If you can work blogspot, Nationbuilder is maybe twice as difficult.
Showing an example of your work might help, but it's not essential.
Right now, we have no spare funds to pay anyone, so don't quit your day job. Later, we will showcase to Bitcoin and other financial liberation communities.
If you can help, write to
Thanks for reading..
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
Ruiner/Thomas Williams September 2015 Interview PDF Transcript.
Re: Shane/The Ruiner's new interview with Thomas Williams, 15 Sept 2015
Thanks to Chloe (who is Thomas' partner) she has hand typed up the entire interview with Shane and Thomas. You can download the pdf for free on this link.
Original Post:
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Cobra Clarification. Propaganda for A Covert Banking System.
We apologize for that specific wording, as we do not wish this process to descend into mindless name calling.
We do however, think that it is 100 per cent fair to write that the Cobra group is unknowingly spreading propaganda for a covert, totalitarian banking regime.
1. IMF/BRICS/AIIB Whitewashing.
2. Partial Retraction/Clarification.
3. Cobra Group = Controlled Opposition.
4. Request Apology and Clarification from Cobra.
5. Restating the nature of our contact with Agartha.
6. Sworn Legal Appeal to the Agartha Network.
1.IMF/BRICS/AIIB Whitewashing
Cobra is trying to paint the IMF S.D.R scheme as a renegade white-hat banking system:
Friday, January 24, 2014
The Eastern Alliance is preparing to foreclose on the Federal Reserve:
And to introduce Special Drawing Rights (SDR) to form the backbone of the new financial system, which will be underwritten by gold:
SDR can now be exchanged for US Dollars, Euros, British Pounds and Japanese Yen:
Chinese Yuan and Swiss Franc will be added to this basket of currencies at the Reset.
In reality, Special Drawing Rights have been around since 1969:
In the period 1969-2015, the International Monetary Fund brought Africa to its knees, bringing a humanitarian holocaust far more devastating than the German WWII genocide, in terms of loss of life.
This is what centralized banking did to Africa (warning, graphic poverty):
This is what centralized banking did to Europe in 2015:
In the period 1969-2015, the International Monetary Fund brought Africa to its knees, bringing a humanitarian holocaust far more devastating than the German WWII genocide, in terms of loss of life.
This is what centralized banking did to Africa (warning, graphic poverty):
This is what centralized banking did to Europe in 2015:
AIIB Corruption
Here is an AIIB boss, Bambang Brodjonegoro, in 2015, saying he has no interest in rural development:
"The China-led bank won’t focus on “irrigation systems, arterial roads, rural roads,Mr. Brodjonegoro said, citing knowledge ” of continuing negotiations on the new bank. “It’s good, because ADB and World Bank basically are covering more basic infrastructure,” he said.
"The China-led bank won’t focus on “irrigation systems, arterial roads, rural roads,Mr. Brodjonegoro said, citing knowledge ” of continuing negotiations on the new bank. “It’s good, because ADB and World Bank basically are covering more basic infrastructure,” he said.
The World Bank already has basic infrastructure covered? How out of touch is this man? Watch this video, and judge for yourself if he is a banking whitehat:
There is no evidence whatsoever that the AIIB, BRICS, and the IMF will do anything to alleviate poverty in 2015.
There is no evidence whatsoever that the AIIB, BRICS, and the IMF will do anything to alleviate poverty in 2015.
IF poverty alleviation does come, it will be through grassroots and private efforts.
These are the plans that got us Agarthan contact in 2009-2013.
Genuinely benevolent subterranean's would not filter money through corrupt political networks.
The longer people follow controlled opposition, the longer they will be stuck here.
The longer people follow controlled opposition, the longer they will be stuck here.
2. Partial Retraction
While it may be inaccurate to label Cobra's movement Nazism, we think it is fair to call many of his financial posts spin-doctoring for a dishonest, violent, totalitarian banking cartel, cleverly masked as a folksy, renegade, spiritual, new age people's movement.
We believe the Cobra group are co-opting and delaying the on-coming Renaissance in four major ways:
i) Offering centralized banking when finance needs to fragment into crowdfunding and microfinance.
ii) Offering new political messiahs (Putin) when people need to discover their own inner heroism.
iii) Offering banking governance from the East, when humans should walk free on the Earth.
iv) Offering high tech curing devices, when many people are sick because of simple nutritional deficiencies. (We support curing devices, but only if they are reasonably priced and effective.)
In short, the Cobra group is offering Slavery 2.0. They are asking people to outsource their own power and sovereignty to a new set of heroes, who will inevitably disappoint.
We appeal to the Agartha Network, and all networks observing this blog, to mediate and balance this situation.
We believe Cobra does have subterranean information sources, but not all of them are sincere. We have been clear that not everyone in the subterranean world is honest. It is naive to suppose this would be the case.
The people of Earth, especially those born with a mission to to liberate this planet, would never accept a straight up global government power grab. In order to make this banking game work, they need our consent.
Note that the AIIB/BRICS/IMF bankers are not offering you any new money. They are just making an offer to spend YOUR tax money in a slightly more benevolent manner. Or create more debt in your name. Do you want them to control humanity's purse strings for the next hundred years?
A move towards pseudo-benevolent global government would only work if people were tricked into thinking any changes came from a group of white-hat liberators.
The true white hats are us; everyone reading this blog. We are active in all walks of life, just not making a show of it.
We believe Cobra and the groups surrounding him are unknowing controlled opposition.
We request the following apology and clarification from Cobra:
- An apology for linking Vladimir Putin to a subterranean liberation plan (or concrete proof that he is involved).
- An apology for selling over-priced healing devices to sick people, and inferring they are linked to the subterranean civilization of Agartha and the Subterranean Resistance Movement.
- A detailed clarification, written under penalty of perjury, on what "a certain form of contact" means. We have written this article under penalty of perjury, as proof of our honesty.
- An apology for inferring subterranean sponsorship of various over-priced vanity projects, when there are ongoing humanitarian disasters that need real attention.
- KEY: A retraction of the claim that his blog represents the official voice of the Resistance Movement.
Our recent articles were written after an 18 month effort was made to reach out to Cobra. Many emails to him were ignored. Meanwhile, the ridiculous Blue Avians story was forced on people. As there was no other option, we had no choice but to go public.
We have had, (please take note Rob Potter) PHYSICAL contact with the Agartha Network from December 2009 to Februray 2013. Since then we have had to rely on our inner guidance, etheric contact, and surface collaborators, just like everyone else.
Our physical contact was:
i) Occasionally with real Agarthans (first 'formal' meeting Dec 09).
In short, the Cobra group is offering Slavery 2.0. They are asking people to outsource their own power and sovereignty to a new set of heroes, who will inevitably disappoint.
The antidote to all this is genuine grassroots action. There is abundant hope for the future, but people need to take their own destiny in their hands.
We believe Cobra does have subterranean information sources, but not all of them are sincere. We have been clear that not everyone in the subterranean world is honest. It is naive to suppose this would be the case.
3. Controlled Opposition: Consent
The people of Earth, especially those born with a mission to to liberate this planet, would never accept a straight up global government power grab. In order to make this banking game work, they need our consent.
Note that the AIIB/BRICS/IMF bankers are not offering you any new money. They are just making an offer to spend YOUR tax money in a slightly more benevolent manner. Or create more debt in your name. Do you want them to control humanity's purse strings for the next hundred years?
A move towards pseudo-benevolent global government would only work if people were tricked into thinking any changes came from a group of white-hat liberators.
The true white hats are us; everyone reading this blog. We are active in all walks of life, just not making a show of it.
We believe Cobra and the groups surrounding him are unknowing controlled opposition.
We are petitioning the Agartha Network, and all networks reading this blog, to restrain, dissolve, and expose the Cobra group as quickly as possible.
Previous requests have been submitted to Agartha concerning the Red Dragons, David Wilcock, Jorge Bergoglio, Neil Keenan, and others. Readers can judge for themselves how effective they have been.
4. Request Apology and Clarification
We request the following apology and clarification from Cobra:
- An apology for linking Vladimir Putin to a subterranean liberation plan (or concrete proof that he is involved).
- An apology for selling over-priced healing devices to sick people, and inferring they are linked to the subterranean civilization of Agartha and the Subterranean Resistance Movement.
- A detailed clarification, written under penalty of perjury, on what "a certain form of contact" means. We have written this article under penalty of perjury, as proof of our honesty.
- An apology for inferring subterranean sponsorship of various over-priced vanity projects, when there are ongoing humanitarian disasters that need real attention.
- KEY: A retraction of the claim that his blog represents the official voice of the Resistance Movement.
Our recent articles were written after an 18 month effort was made to reach out to Cobra. Many emails to him were ignored. Meanwhile, the ridiculous Blue Avians story was forced on people. As there was no other option, we had no choice but to go public.
5. Restating the Nature of Our Contact
We have had, (please take note Rob Potter) PHYSICAL contact with the Agartha Network from December 2009 to Februray 2013. Since then we have had to rely on our inner guidance, etheric contact, and surface collaborators, just like everyone else.
Our physical contact was:
i) Occasionally with real Agarthans (first 'formal' meeting Dec 09).
ii) Many, many times with surface dwellers who had physical access to subterranean cities and Lemurian air cities.
iii) With surface dwellers who could go to Agartha and elsewhere etherically.
We met many people who could go to underground cities, and spend hundreds of hours with them.
Our physical contact seems more accurate than Robert Potter's claimed contact with Semjase:
"I made a promise to Semjase before I left the ship on the teleportation beam and I am fulfilling part of that promise by sharing with you here on this site my most intimate and personal struggles and victories of the light in my life and as I have witnessed them on the surface of the planet and in my personal life.
I promised to her that one day I would create a show, a party of love to honor the Galactic Federation of Light."
Our physical contact seems more accurate than Robert Potter's claimed contact with Semjase:
"I made a promise to Semjase before I left the ship on the teleportation beam and I am fulfilling part of that promise by sharing with you here on this site my most intimate and personal struggles and victories of the light in my life and as I have witnessed them on the surface of the planet and in my personal life.
I promised to her that one day I would create a show, a party of love to honor the Galactic Federation of Light."
We do not claim to represent the Agartha Network, but we are one of the few surface dwelling groups allowed to use their name. If we were lying, we would have been killed or sidelined by now.
We make the occasional protocol mistake, but we believe our ideas are solid, and will stand the test of time. We don't like to see the good name of the subterraneans co-opted in the name of prolonging surface banking hegemony.
We do not represent Agartha, but we speak under their sponsorship. Our occasional mistakes are our own fault, not theirs.
Our ideas and plans stand permanent, when all the hot air and promises of the blogger scene turn to dust.
To prove our sincerity, we are currently writing an appeal to the Agarthan, Amenti, and Universal Courts.
We do not claim to be the only people who can appeal to Agartha and Amenti (Amenti is a specialized etheric area, comprising a spiritual court and other "control rooms" for this reality).
Any human can appeal to the universal courts, by writing a sworn declaration, signing it, and posting it on a wall, or online.
We will also be writing a list of requests for Cobra over the coming months.
Readers, please do not attempt to write this off as a minor tactical disagreement between colleagues.
Please do not be so naive to think you are first in line for some "collateral account handout." Banking/investment white hats will be looking for pre-existing charities and initiatives, not a conclave of gullible online narcissists. Please note: not every collateral accounts reader is a "gullible online narcissist", but there is a small group of people in the blogger/financial intel community who think they will be given a free handout for no reason. I have no idea why they believe that.
We repeat our call to the Agartha Network, Shamballa, Amenti, and all benevolent freedom networks in the universe and beyond, to expose, restrain, balance and remove the Cobra Group, along with those funding and manipulating them, using all their strength, as soon as possible.
I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Executed on 30th September, 2015.
Contact Point/Daozen
We do not claim to represent the Agartha Network, but we are one of the few surface dwelling groups allowed to use their name. If we were lying, we would have been killed or sidelined by now.
We make the occasional protocol mistake, but we believe our ideas are solid, and will stand the test of time. We don't like to see the good name of the subterraneans co-opted in the name of prolonging surface banking hegemony.
We do not represent Agartha, but we speak under their sponsorship. Our occasional mistakes are our own fault, not theirs.
Our ideas and plans stand permanent, when all the hot air and promises of the blogger scene turn to dust.
6. Legal Appeal to the Agartha Network
To prove our sincerity, we are currently writing an appeal to the Agarthan, Amenti, and Universal Courts.
We do not claim to be the only people who can appeal to Agartha and Amenti (Amenti is a specialized etheric area, comprising a spiritual court and other "control rooms" for this reality).
Any human can appeal to the universal courts, by writing a sworn declaration, signing it, and posting it on a wall, or online.
We will also be writing a list of requests for Cobra over the coming months.
Readers, please do not attempt to write this off as a minor tactical disagreement between colleagues.
Please do not be so naive to think you are first in line for some "collateral account handout." Banking/investment white hats will be looking for pre-existing charities and initiatives, not a conclave of gullible online narcissists. Please note: not every collateral accounts reader is a "gullible online narcissist", but there is a small group of people in the blogger/financial intel community who think they will be given a free handout for no reason. I have no idea why they believe that.
We repeat our call to the Agartha Network, Shamballa, Amenti, and all benevolent freedom networks in the universe and beyond, to expose, restrain, balance and remove the Cobra Group, along with those funding and manipulating them, using all their strength, as soon as possible.
Thank you for all your help so far.
I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Executed on 30th September, 2015.
Contact Point/Daozen
I certify, under penalty of perjury, upon my connection to the liberation forces, that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Executed on 30th September, 2015.
Contact Point/Daozen
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Melbourner Bilocates to Cydonia, Mars
My Mysterious Life on Two Planets.
To the Metropolis. Sidonia.
FOR two days our train ran along the main line, stopping only to recharge the accumulators. This takes but a few minutes, and occurs at about the end of each five hundred miles. Grayson and I had many interesting conversations, and I profited not a little by association with a man who knew so much and had so ripe a mind. It appeared as if we could touch upon no topic with which he was not thoroughly acquainted.
Though we were travelling underground he could tell me all about the surface above each part. He described it an being generally unequal and cavernous. He said that small plantations were placed on the summits for the purpose of growing wood, and that the slopes were mostly used for fruit growing. Reservoirs occupied all the spaces that could be conveniently dammed, and the plains and valleys were irrigated wherever water could be applied with advantage.
Altogether he showed plainly enough that without labor and constant attention the land on this side the ocean would be about as useless as that on the other side before Weston's scheme was worked out. I more and more admire my fellow humans when I see how rich and productive they have made a little third rate and cold planet by their labor alone.
'Metropolitan Central.' As our train slowed down I saw these two words in large letters on a distant wall, not painted nor gilded, but written in light. We had travelled a week and come nearly half way round the planet, Grayson did not want to part with me, and I felt that I had found a second father, so we went together to his house. He promised to introduce me to the Earthborn's Club after dinner, when many of the members would have finished work for the day and would be found there. I had no hesitation in accepting Grayson's hospitality, for he, having the freedom of the planet cannot be put to any expense.
Having performed my ablutions and made a few changes, my first action was a walk through a small part of the museum. I say a small part, for it will take weeks to visit all of it. The first thing to which
'Metropolitan Central.' As our train slowed down I saw these two words in large letters on a distant wall, not painted nor gilded, but written in light. We had travelled a week and come nearly half way round the planet, Grayson did not want to part with me, and I felt that I had found a second father, so we went together to his house. He promised to introduce me to the Earthborn's Club after dinner, when many of the members would have finished work for the day and would be found there. I had no hesitation in accepting Grayson's hospitality, for he, having the freedom of the planet cannot be put to any expense.
Having performed my ablutions and made a few changes, my first action was a walk through a small part of the museum. I say a small part, for it will take weeks to visit all of it. The first thing to which
I gave serious attention was a map of the metropolis. As I have to complete my studies here, and probably make this my home for many years, I wish to know all I can about it. It is a most magnificent capital. It is rectangular in shape, and the equator crosses its centre. From the equator it extends fire hundred miles north and south, and its width is five hundred miles.
The Grand Avenue follows the equator for five hundred miles, and is crossed at exactly its centre by the Central Avenue, which runs a thousand miles in a straight line north and south; each of these avenues is a quarter of a mile wide. At night these, and in fact all the streets, are lit by the electric light. Having seen the supply for Granby I began to wonder what would be required for this city.
I remembered reading somewhere about our next neighbour's astronomers having found a long, straight line on Mars, something that indicated human handiwork: Can they have seen our city lit up? or was the line our avenue which must be visible with a good telescope? We can see things on their surface far smaller than that, and when the Earth is nearest to us its back is turned; still anything brilliant on the night side would be best seen then. If they had such a street we should know.
The city has been laid off by mathematicians, and has been rebuilt hundreds of times. Its form is now finally settled; at least we think so, and communication with every part is perfect. Only the great main thoroughfares, those that cut the city into blocks of ten miles square, one hundred square miles, are right lines, the rest are curves of many different kinds. It was found that a constant succession of straight streets produced in some people a kind of insanity. With regard to the formation of streets and the structure of houses the rule now is endless variety.
Our city is a huge garden; it is also a great orchard; millions of tons of vegetables are grown inside its boundaries. Its grain of various kinds has to come from outside as well as fish and preserved foods. Fowls are not permitted in the city except those of the air and of doves and songsters there are millions. None are imprisoned.
There is no vehicular traffic in the streets. In spring and summer the open spaces are kept as parks and the footways are mostly like those I have mentioned as used in Port Howard and Granby. Here, however, the paths are wide and at least six of them run in parallel lines; with trees, shrubs, and irregular little clumps of flower gardens between them. There is no noise in the streets and dust is a thing unknown. As the rainfall in this region is very slight irrigation has to take its place. For this purpose water has to be brought great distances but very little serves. We have not a hot sun drinking up every drop of moisture, and our plants are like our people in consuming very little water. I am told that on earth man consumes more fluid than three Martials.
There is a good deal of traffic by air boat. There are regular lines along the great avenues and streets; most of the boats will carry twenty passengers. There is also a great railway traffic. Stations are placed at every mile within fifty miles of the central square: this is the Urban Radius; outside this the stations are two miles apart. Underneath the Grand and Central avenues there are four lines of railways the central lines being for express traffic. The trains on the side lines stop at every station; those running on the middle lines only stop at the ten-mile intersections.
In order to get from the street to the railway line passengers have to step inside a double railed space on the second footpath in the wide street. About every two minutes the inner railing and the portion of flooring it encloses descends and becomes part of the railway platform. Those going away walk off at one end while those coming up walk on at the other and then the platform becomes footpath once more. The outer railing is a guard to keep people from falling about thirty feet into the lower way.
Travelling accounts with people are very easily kept. Persons wanting tickets by air boat or rail get them at the depôt where they make their usual purchases and they go to the years debit. In thousand of cases, I may say in millions, an annual ticket is issued for a man who has to make a certain journey twice daily, from home to work and back again. No attempts are ever made to defraud the traffic departments; if people were not above such trickery the old plan of paying coin would have to be resorted to. Mistakes are very rarely made with regard to the names of people; for with the name is given the section of the district in which you may reside. If there are two or three of a name they are known by a number.
There is a great difference in the mode of getting supplies in the metropolis and in the rural districts such as I came from. There all we want is got from one depôt; here the depôts are much more numerous and each one has only a certain class of goods. Male clothing at one; female clothing at another and we can go to any and get what we like from any after we are registered as responsible persons at the office for the purpose. Minors have to get their supplies through the head of the family. My badge will get me whatever I require anywhere, and at any time.
The great railway lines are so constructed that lighting wires, speaking wires, water piping and drainage service can be carried on and each properly supervised by the men appointed; along most lines there is a pneumatic service also. By the use of the latter small articles can go from one end of the city to the other in an hour. At one time human beings wished to be shot along these tubes, but it was found that such rapid movement, although not felt, had an injurious effect, and it was therefore abolished. 'Why so fast?' said our statesmen, and our movements were limited to the average rate of one hundred miles an hour. We all agree now that that is fast enough. There is no need to push through to-day as if there was no to-morrow.
The Grand Avenue follows the equator for five hundred miles, and is crossed at exactly its centre by the Central Avenue, which runs a thousand miles in a straight line north and south; each of these avenues is a quarter of a mile wide. At night these, and in fact all the streets, are lit by the electric light. Having seen the supply for Granby I began to wonder what would be required for this city.
I remembered reading somewhere about our next neighbour's astronomers having found a long, straight line on Mars, something that indicated human handiwork: Can they have seen our city lit up? or was the line our avenue which must be visible with a good telescope? We can see things on their surface far smaller than that, and when the Earth is nearest to us its back is turned; still anything brilliant on the night side would be best seen then. If they had such a street we should know.
The city has been laid off by mathematicians, and has been rebuilt hundreds of times. Its form is now finally settled; at least we think so, and communication with every part is perfect. Only the great main thoroughfares, those that cut the city into blocks of ten miles square, one hundred square miles, are right lines, the rest are curves of many different kinds. It was found that a constant succession of straight streets produced in some people a kind of insanity. With regard to the formation of streets and the structure of houses the rule now is endless variety.
Our city is a huge garden; it is also a great orchard; millions of tons of vegetables are grown inside its boundaries. Its grain of various kinds has to come from outside as well as fish and preserved foods. Fowls are not permitted in the city except those of the air and of doves and songsters there are millions. None are imprisoned.
There is no vehicular traffic in the streets. In spring and summer the open spaces are kept as parks and the footways are mostly like those I have mentioned as used in Port Howard and Granby. Here, however, the paths are wide and at least six of them run in parallel lines; with trees, shrubs, and irregular little clumps of flower gardens between them. There is no noise in the streets and dust is a thing unknown. As the rainfall in this region is very slight irrigation has to take its place. For this purpose water has to be brought great distances but very little serves. We have not a hot sun drinking up every drop of moisture, and our plants are like our people in consuming very little water. I am told that on earth man consumes more fluid than three Martials.
There is a good deal of traffic by air boat. There are regular lines along the great avenues and streets; most of the boats will carry twenty passengers. There is also a great railway traffic. Stations are placed at every mile within fifty miles of the central square: this is the Urban Radius; outside this the stations are two miles apart. Underneath the Grand and Central avenues there are four lines of railways the central lines being for express traffic. The trains on the side lines stop at every station; those running on the middle lines only stop at the ten-mile intersections.
In order to get from the street to the railway line passengers have to step inside a double railed space on the second footpath in the wide street. About every two minutes the inner railing and the portion of flooring it encloses descends and becomes part of the railway platform. Those going away walk off at one end while those coming up walk on at the other and then the platform becomes footpath once more. The outer railing is a guard to keep people from falling about thirty feet into the lower way.
Travelling accounts with people are very easily kept. Persons wanting tickets by air boat or rail get them at the depôt where they make their usual purchases and they go to the years debit. In thousand of cases, I may say in millions, an annual ticket is issued for a man who has to make a certain journey twice daily, from home to work and back again. No attempts are ever made to defraud the traffic departments; if people were not above such trickery the old plan of paying coin would have to be resorted to. Mistakes are very rarely made with regard to the names of people; for with the name is given the section of the district in which you may reside. If there are two or three of a name they are known by a number.
There is a great difference in the mode of getting supplies in the metropolis and in the rural districts such as I came from. There all we want is got from one depôt; here the depôts are much more numerous and each one has only a certain class of goods. Male clothing at one; female clothing at another and we can go to any and get what we like from any after we are registered as responsible persons at the office for the purpose. Minors have to get their supplies through the head of the family. My badge will get me whatever I require anywhere, and at any time.
The great railway lines are so constructed that lighting wires, speaking wires, water piping and drainage service can be carried on and each properly supervised by the men appointed; along most lines there is a pneumatic service also. By the use of the latter small articles can go from one end of the city to the other in an hour. At one time human beings wished to be shot along these tubes, but it was found that such rapid movement, although not felt, had an injurious effect, and it was therefore abolished. 'Why so fast?' said our statesmen, and our movements were limited to the average rate of one hundred miles an hour. We all agree now that that is fast enough. There is no need to push through to-day as if there was no to-morrow.
Our lives are happy and full of leisure because we gave up hurrying. The hurrying would have kept us in a constant fever, and nothing would have been gained by it. Five hours' work is pleasant, and enables work that must go on constantly, as for instance railway service, to be divided into five changes of men. In this metropolis the trains run for passengers fifteen hours and ten hours during the night for goods; five changes of men are required.
The Martial man is a very clean man, and he makes no waste. The metropolitan district is dry, hence there is little need for drainage, but what little waste there is is removed during the day in which it occurs. Nothing that can make the air impure is allowed to remain a single day where it can do harm. Anything that can give off a smell is deodorised at once, and removed and dessicated in a few hours. Dried sewerage is taken to the agricultural districts; not a single particle is wasted. No foul water is allowed to lodge for a day; every part of the surface of the land is kept clean. There is no dust in the streets, and they are made so pleasant that walking is a most agreeable and delightful exercise.
The Martial man is a very clean man, and he makes no waste. The metropolitan district is dry, hence there is little need for drainage, but what little waste there is is removed during the day in which it occurs. Nothing that can make the air impure is allowed to remain a single day where it can do harm. Anything that can give off a smell is deodorised at once, and removed and dessicated in a few hours. Dried sewerage is taken to the agricultural districts; not a single particle is wasted. No foul water is allowed to lodge for a day; every part of the surface of the land is kept clean. There is no dust in the streets, and they are made so pleasant that walking is a most agreeable and delightful exercise.
Our young people think nothing of walking five or ten miles, for they are light and muscular, and there is no disagreeable heat or dust to annoy them. The railways and air boats are used more by elders and by those who have plenty of work without walking.
We have very little disease, and infant mortality is almost unknown even here where a thousand million of people are brought together. The schools have ample space about them, and are of every kind and the recreation grounds; the breathing spaces are well kept. The great aim in keeping them is to make them natural. Even in shape and size no two parks are alike.
The government buildings occupy a block ten miles square. The planetary library has a mile of front to the Grand Avenue and three miles to the Central Avenue. The College of Surgeons has a front of two miles, and many other buildings are quite a mile in length. The height of our buildings is three stories, and sometimes a perfect uniformity of structure will prevail for several miles. Very high buildings were at one time fashionable, but they seemed to shut out the day from the streets, and we found that their great shadows robbed vegetation of its color and made the streets unpleasant to travellers.
There are many hostels, and some of them are very great buildings. As is the case all over, they are owned by the government, and the bills are charged to debit of annual accounts. The rank of hostel used has to correspond with the rank of worker. There is no attempt made to draw caste lines; indeed, the object of social life is to abolish them, but in spite of all that can be done the workers of certain ranks prefer to associate with their companions in labor. They are not at home with the workers of other ranks, who of necessity know more, and are more polite in demeanor. We are all altruistic socialists, all democrats; all either as individuals or as classes willing to waive our own rights in favor of others, and yet we cannot be equal. Andrew Grayson is not even 'Sir' or 'Esq.' and yet he stands in the first rank, and all bow to him as a scholar in his line.
The clerk in charge of our depôt advised me to report myself at the Equatorial hostel in the metropolis. It is the largest in existence. It has four stories and a basement, and has a solid stone front calculated to last a thousand years. There are ten thousand rooms in it, and its corridors are traversed by some twenty miles of tram lines. It is always full, and the overflow of its residents fill several thousand rooms built in the rear, half a mile from the Grand Avenue, to which the main building has a mile of frontage.
We have very little disease, and infant mortality is almost unknown even here where a thousand million of people are brought together. The schools have ample space about them, and are of every kind and the recreation grounds; the breathing spaces are well kept. The great aim in keeping them is to make them natural. Even in shape and size no two parks are alike.
The government buildings occupy a block ten miles square. The planetary library has a mile of front to the Grand Avenue and three miles to the Central Avenue. The College of Surgeons has a front of two miles, and many other buildings are quite a mile in length. The height of our buildings is three stories, and sometimes a perfect uniformity of structure will prevail for several miles. Very high buildings were at one time fashionable, but they seemed to shut out the day from the streets, and we found that their great shadows robbed vegetation of its color and made the streets unpleasant to travellers.
There are many hostels, and some of them are very great buildings. As is the case all over, they are owned by the government, and the bills are charged to debit of annual accounts. The rank of hostel used has to correspond with the rank of worker. There is no attempt made to draw caste lines; indeed, the object of social life is to abolish them, but in spite of all that can be done the workers of certain ranks prefer to associate with their companions in labor. They are not at home with the workers of other ranks, who of necessity know more, and are more polite in demeanor. We are all altruistic socialists, all democrats; all either as individuals or as classes willing to waive our own rights in favor of others, and yet we cannot be equal. Andrew Grayson is not even 'Sir' or 'Esq.' and yet he stands in the first rank, and all bow to him as a scholar in his line.
The clerk in charge of our depôt advised me to report myself at the Equatorial hostel in the metropolis. It is the largest in existence. It has four stories and a basement, and has a solid stone front calculated to last a thousand years. There are ten thousand rooms in it, and its corridors are traversed by some twenty miles of tram lines. It is always full, and the overflow of its residents fill several thousand rooms built in the rear, half a mile from the Grand Avenue, to which the main building has a mile of frontage.
To describe this hostel with its fountains and gardens, its courts, gymnasium, music rooms, lecture hall, theatre, church; its suites of private rooms, its furniture, its balconies, its gardens and summer houses on the roof is to describe a city in miniature. It is easy to spend years in it and not see half its beauties and advantages. Its rooms are all in communication with the entrance hall, and a visitor can instantly ascertain if the person he calls to see is at home.
After getting at the Museum the little information given above I entered my name at the Equatorial, and according to promise went to dine with Grayson. For the next year I will spend my time in the centre of the Great City. Five hours daily at the College of Engineers, some hours of leisure with the Grayson family.
After getting at the Museum the little information given above I entered my name at the Equatorial, and according to promise went to dine with Grayson. For the next year I will spend my time in the centre of the Great City. Five hours daily at the College of Engineers, some hours of leisure with the Grayson family.
The rest of my time will probably be divided amongst the Museums, Libraries, Art Galleries, the Earthborn's Club and at the hostel, where I intend to sleep. I will write to my parents once a week, and I already begin to long for the company of father, mother, and my dear sister Emma.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Planetary Timeline Update: Friday September 25th, 2015
We are building an organic liberation timeline. Our updates contain actionable information.
We do not claim to be the sole voice of the Resistance.
If you are turning love into action somewhere in the universe, you are the Resistance.
There is considerable photographic evidence that Vladimir Putin has passed away/resigned, and a double has stepped in. This is normal in politics, but the new double is being used consistently, even for high level visits and interviews:
Janet Yellen needed medical attention while giving a speech last night:
The Pope was looking worried and withdrawn in his latest trip to the US:
Will there be another U.S. Government shutdown? Will anyone care?
The press is continuing to hint at subterranean mysteries.

And subterranean life on other planets:

ACTION: Spreading articles like this slowly breaks the veil, and moves our planetary awareness into the cosmos.
Heart disease is the biggest killer on the planet.
Arterial cures have been available for years.
ACTION: If you share pictures like the jpgs below, you could go a long way to healing heart disease. An image search for "heart disease, Vitamin C", brings many results.
Informational jpgs are a powerful way to spread news. Building health momentum now speeds up the liberation process, puts us on an organic timeline, and harmonizes us with more advanced societies. Waiting around for a release of technology will only slow things down.
You could say every human has mild heart disease, in the form of depression, lethargy, and malaise.
More on heart disease:
Science-Fiction writer Corey Goode has released a very imaginative story about his subterranean travels. The inclusion of the character "Gonzalez" should appeal to the Mexcian OVNI market.
ACTION: We do not need to go through Corey Goode to reach the subterranean world.
Anyone can bilocate to Telos or other cities any time they desire, and make their own connection.
Or try visiting anywhere else in the solar system, through the stargate in your heart. There are dozens of articles on Bilocation on our site.
This is an ancient Chinese I Ching symbol and text that signifies BREAKTHROUGH:
"This hexagram signifies on the one hand a break-through after a long accumulation of tension, as a swollen river breaks through its dikes, or in the manner of a cloudburst. On the other hand, applied to human conditions, it refers to the time when inferior people gradually begin to disappear. Their influence is on the wane; as a result of resolute action, a change in conditions occurs, a break-through. The hexagram is linked with the third month [April-May]."
Will there be another U.S. Government shutdown? Will anyone care?
ACTION: If you want to help speed up liberation; breath deeply and slowly, and imagine the old power structure fading away, dissolving, dissipating calmly and cleanly. Imagine building the world you want, with the funds you need.
Hold the outgoing elite, including their secret handlers, in your heart, and know that they are removed.

And subterranean life on other planets:

ACTION: Spreading articles like this slowly breaks the veil, and moves our planetary awareness into the cosmos.
Heart disease is the biggest killer on the planet.
Arterial cures have been available for years.
ACTION: If you share pictures like the jpgs below, you could go a long way to healing heart disease. An image search for "heart disease, Vitamin C", brings many results.
Informational jpgs are a powerful way to spread news. Building health momentum now speeds up the liberation process, puts us on an organic timeline, and harmonizes us with more advanced societies. Waiting around for a release of technology will only slow things down.
You could say every human has mild heart disease, in the form of depression, lethargy, and malaise.
More on heart disease:
ACTION: We do not need to go through Corey Goode to reach the subterranean world.
Anyone can bilocate to Telos or other cities any time they desire, and make their own connection.
Or try visiting anywhere else in the solar system, through the stargate in your heart. There are dozens of articles on Bilocation on our site.
This is an ancient Chinese I Ching symbol and text that signifies BREAKTHROUGH:
"This hexagram signifies on the one hand a break-through after a long accumulation of tension, as a swollen river breaks through its dikes, or in the manner of a cloudburst. On the other hand, applied to human conditions, it refers to the time when inferior people gradually begin to disappear. Their influence is on the wane; as a result of resolute action, a change in conditions occurs, a break-through. The hexagram is linked with the third month [April-May]."
ACTION: Meditating on the quality of Breakthrough will draw that energy from inside of us, into the external world. We are co-creating a collaborative hologram together.
Action can be as simple as sharing useful information on social media, or mediating and holding Earth deep in your heart.
We have all the information we need. We don't need any more updates. Every action we take makes the planetary freedom thought-form stronger.
The etheric dampening technology is getting weaker by the day.
Chemtrails are slowing down:
The Resistance is not external to us. We are blockaded, but we are not hostages. John Connor and Sarah Connor represent all liberation oriented humans.
If you're reading this, you are the Resistance.
ACTION: Meditating on the quality of Breakthrough will draw that energy from inside of us, into the external world. We are co-creating a collaborative hologram together.
We have all the information we need. We don't need any more updates. Every action we take makes the planetary freedom thought-form stronger.
The etheric dampening technology is getting weaker by the day.
Chemtrails are slowing down:
The Resistance is not external to us. We are blockaded, but we are not hostages. John Connor and Sarah Connor represent all liberation oriented humans.
If you're reading this, you are the Resistance.
Is Vladimir Putin Still Alive? Has a double taken his place? Earlobes don't lie.
Here's a recent interview. Judge for yourself:
If Putin is dead, why is the fake intel scene keeping him alive?!?
Anya Love and anonymous sources reminded us of this mystery...
Torsion Rotational Device: Planetary Resistance Movement Defy Big Pharma, Release Technology/Ancient Techniques to Combat Heart Disease
Planetary Update:
Heart disease is the biggest killer on the planet. The subterranean resistance movement has released 3 technologies and an ancient technique that can drastically reduce arterial and cardio disease. These technologies will set at a fair price for the general public, and be leaked into surface shops by certain surface agents over the coming months.
Resistance Technologies, September 2015.
1) Torsion Rotational Device
2) Ankle Pumping Device
3) Secret Heart Disease Cure Technique
4) Solfeggio tones to increase cardio concentration
1) The Torsion Rotational Device, fast mode:
2) Ankle Pumping Bio-Device
3) Secret Heart Disease Cure Technique
4) Here is a set of special solfeggio tones and energizing images that can help concentration:
TRD's and APD's will be available to the public from all Resistance approved stores.
If you're reading this, you are the Resistance.
More info:
Heart disease is the biggest killer on the planet. The subterranean resistance movement has released 3 technologies and an ancient technique that can drastically reduce arterial and cardio disease. These technologies will set at a fair price for the general public, and be leaked into surface shops by certain surface agents over the coming months.
Resistance Technologies, September 2015.
1) Torsion Rotational Device
2) Ankle Pumping Device
3) Secret Heart Disease Cure Technique
4) Solfeggio tones to increase cardio concentration
Heart Disease Reduction Technology
1) The Torsion Rotational Device, fast mode:
2) Ankle Pumping Bio-Device
3) Secret Heart Disease Cure Technique
4) Here is a set of special solfeggio tones and energizing images that can help concentration:
TRD's and APD's will be available to the public from all Resistance approved stores.
If you're reading this, you are the Resistance.
More info:
Thursday, 24 September 2015
New Financial "System" or Platform?
Systems imply top down control.
Platforms stand for ground up liberation.
The new financial platforms will be crowdfunding or barter, all else is smoke and mirrors, to make the soul groups who are trying to set up the new platforms stand down and wait; sedated and baited. It is not about systems, it's about platforms. Any subterranean money will come straight through Paypal, Bitcoin, and Kickstarter once the embargo lifts. Do people think the subterraneans are dumb enough to give one penny to governments?
The AIIB is a crock:
Anyone arrogant enough to think they will get part of a trillion dollar hand out is just mentally ill.
We can't presume ANY help from subterraneans at all, period. We must work with what we've got up here, which is considerable, when you do the math:
2-3 billion USD a day on ciggies, booze, and plastic crud. PER DAY. 3 billion in the Bitcoin economy. Hundreds of billions go to charities and tax write offs per year.
I will never stop saying that til people wake up.
We have successfully fragmented the media, now we must do the same to finance.
I will never stop saying that til people wake up.
We have successfully fragmented the media, now we must do the same to finance.
Very Few Chemtrails Recently
Is it the same in your area? They have slowed to a near stop for 2-3 weeks where I live.
This is not so much the "light forces", it's the human collective choosing a new dream, and a positive timeline.
You may have been convinced you are a helpless hostage waiting to be rescued. The real truth is that we are center stage. Our intentions weave the future.
This is not so much the "light forces", it's the human collective choosing a new dream, and a positive timeline.
You may have been convinced you are a helpless hostage waiting to be rescued. The real truth is that we are center stage. Our intentions weave the future.
The collective soul of humanity is starting to sing a new song.
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