Wednesday 16 September 2015

Is Cobra unknowingly fronting for a One World Banking Collective?

The Cobra mystery.

He is so plausible sounding, so spiritually aware, but there is that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach that something is wrong. It doesn't go away, no matter how much you try and rationalize it. 

3 Phases to Economic Control

1. The IMF brought austerity to Africa when they were on the verge of a slow post-colonial Renaissance.

2. The EU did the same to Europe. 

Remember 15 years ago when the controlled- press was cheerleading the EU happy family? 

Now look:

I was in Budapest station ten years ago this summer. Back then, Budapest was a thriving city. This is the EU family in 2015:

Now for the next phase:

Phase three, stomp on the Asian/BRICS Renaissance. 

The controllers: "They" have algorithms, and advanced technology, that can predict a possible positive economic breakout. 

There is a rising wave of consciousness coming. There are groups of people that incarnated to make a new financial platform for humanity. They are starting to wake up and perform their mission now. 

It is the job of Wilcock, Cobra et al to trick people into accepting a decoy NWO, shadow government. Cobra is sincere, he almost definitely doesn't know he is being used in this manner.


They have no chance of succeeding. But they are going to try. And that "trying" is slowing down the manifestation of the genuinely positive timeline that we could be living. 

There is abundant hope, but it lies in setting up thousands of crowdfunded economic platforms. Only then can genuine white hat money flow. 

Some infiltrators are embedded in the true liberation units, and trying to "skew the narrative". As the grid goes down, and we regain our true power, they will try and roll out a happy-happy cybernetic timeline. 

Technology and microchips for everyone! 

"They" have already lost substantial credibility, but not enough to force them to stop completely. Cobra is at least partially buying into this timeline. We would like to help him cease pushing this line. 

You can see how Cobra and his sources have no interest in the current farming Renaissance. Instead, he has conditioned his followers to meekly line up for Replicators. When will this technology come out? AFTER. When is AFTER? 


Back in reality, the grid is probably going this Fall, and we will experience substantially clearer thinking and control over our etheric higher selves.

It is our job to make a true financial system, linked with the benevolent subterranean banks, and avoid a Putin/China led NWO. "They" are failing fast, but we want them to fail even faster. 

Much of what you have read in Cobra's posts is true, but there is a deadly spin that is costing every single reader of this blog TIME. 

We attach various fake financial intel posts from Cobra's blog over the last few years. The picture should become clear as you read. Just ask yourself, when have David Wilcock and his gang ever tried to get a penny to anyone? Cobra has made some token efforts, but he is also not averse to making people pay through the nose for a New Age healing device, if he needs to.

When you are reading all these fancy posts about gold and SDR's, ask yourself:

If you were a benevolent institution wanting to get money to the streets, what is wrong with something as simple as Paypal, Kickstarter, and Amazon Payments? A small team of dedicated disbursers could disburse millions of dollars per hour, or even billions of dollars a day, to genuine humanitarian projects at street level, using simple, pre-existing digital infrastructure, that has been around for years. 

Why all the fancy talk about SDR's, which were an IMF invention? Oh wait, The IMF has been taken over by David Wilcock's White Hats, right?

The financial reset is also real, but various groups are trying to "ride the reset." 

We are being told to wait for IMF version 2.0. 

Waiting, baited and sedated. Waiting, baited and sedated. Waiting, baited and sedated. Waiting, baited and sedated


A Short Planetary Situation Update

The Eastern Alliance is making good progress, especially on the financial front, as the major global powers except the US join the new Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB):


AIIB will support infrastructure projects of global importance:
The Eastern Alliance will also unleash some much needed capital for a soft disclosure of advanced technologies:
The Eastern Alliance has set a target date of January 1st, 2016 as the day of the financial Reset:



Humanity doesn't need extra fast bullet trains, and big fancy infrastructure projects. What we need is healing, and an organic future timeline. The fact that your sources are totally disinterested, and know nothing about basic nutritional diseases, and urgent humanitarian projects, shows me that they are incompetent at best. 

We don't need "soft disclosure of healing technologies." we need to understand crippling nutritional deficiencies. Heart disease can be cured with Iodine, Vit C and other simple nutritional protocols. Instead, you are telling people to "Wait til after the Event." There is no emphasis on self discovery or self responsibility. AFTER, AFTER, AFTER. INTEL SAYS SOON.

Please stop spinning this globalist agitprop for the UFO crowd.  

Cobra, you are a sincere warrior, but you are being tricked into being a propagandist for a clique of secret bankers. The Ruiner's interview lays it all out.

If people fund this timeline, do not expect to meet with Agartha, Orion or the Pleiades any time soon. Putin does not want anyone getting off planet. 

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