Friday 25 September 2015

Planetary Timeline Update: Friday September 25th, 2015

We are building an organic liberation timeline. Our updates contain actionable information.

We do not claim to be the sole voice of the Resistance. 

If you are turning love into action somewhere in the universe, you are the Resistance.  


There is considerable photographic evidence that Vladimir Putin has passed away/resigned, and a double has stepped in. This is normal in politics, but the new double is being used consistently, even for high level visits and interviews:

Janet Yellen needed medical attention while giving a speech last night:

The Pope was looking worried and withdrawn in his latest trip to the US:

Will there be another U.S. Government shutdown? Will anyone care?

ACTION: If you want to help speed up liberation; breath deeply and slowly, and imagine the old power structure fading away, dissolving, dissipating calmly and cleanly. Imagine building the world you want, with the funds you need. 

Hold the outgoing elite, including their secret handlers, in your heart, and know that they are removed.


The press is continuing to hint at subterranean mysteries.

And subterranean life on other planets:

ACTION: Spreading articles like this slowly breaks the veil, and moves our planetary awareness into the cosmos.


Heart disease is the biggest killer on the planet.

Arterial cures have been available for years. 

ACTION: If you share pictures like the jpgs below, you could go a long way to healing heart disease. An image search for "heart disease, Vitamin C", brings many results. 

Informational jpgs are a powerful way to spread news. Building health momentum now speeds up the liberation process, puts us on an organic timeline, and harmonizes us with more advanced societies. Waiting around for a release of technology will only slow things down. 

You could say every human has mild heart disease, in the form of depression, lethargy, and malaise. 

More on heart disease:


Science-Fiction writer Corey Goode has released a very imaginative story about his subterranean travels. The inclusion of the character "Gonzalez" should appeal to the Mexcian OVNI market.

ACTION: We do not need to go through Corey Goode to reach the subterranean world. 

Anyone can bilocate to Telos or other cities any time they desire, and make their own connection

Or try visiting anywhere else in the solar system, through the stargate in your heart. There are dozens of articles on Bilocation on our site.


This is an ancient Chinese I Ching symbol and text that signifies BREAKTHROUGH:

"This hexagram signifies on the one hand a break-through after a long accumulation of tension, as a swollen river breaks through its dikes, or in the manner of a cloudburst. On the other hand, applied to human conditions, it refers to the time when inferior people gradually begin to disappear. Their influence is on the wane; as a result of resolute action, a change in conditions occurs, a break-through. The hexagram is linked with the third month [April-May]."

ACTION: Meditating on the quality of Breakthrough will draw that energy from inside of us, into the external world. We are co-creating a collaborative hologram together. 


Action can be as simple as sharing useful information on social media, or mediating and holding Earth deep in your heart.

We have all the information we need. We don't need any more updates. Every action we take makes the planetary freedom thought-form stronger. 

The etheric dampening technology is getting weaker by the day. 

Chemtrails are slowing down:

The Resistance is not external to us. We are blockaded, but we are not hostages. John Connor and Sarah Connor represent all liberation oriented humans. 

If you're reading this, you are the Resistance. 

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