Sunday 13 September 2015

Hey Bourgeois Liberator!

Hey Liberator!

Are you working for planetary liberation

Are you sure? This will be a quick, blunt post. 

- One of the first things any Agarthan or extra-terrestrial trainee learns is to access their intuitive, psychic and etheric projection capabilities. This allows them to converse with their deeper heart/mind, guides, and soul family. 

If you are promoting, reading or otherwise energizing Blue Avian or data-mined Secret Space Program info, you are directly working against your own liberation, by acting as a sedated spectator, and not cultivating your own psychic and etheric projection abilities. This will only slow down liberation. Laugh it up. 


- The Agartha Network is working for a decentralized financial system. Any other financial system can be easily subverted. 

If you are promoting BRICS, AIIB or any other centralized system you are being used to implement a globalized banking system based in the East. That system will be no better than the IMF or World Bank. No subterranean funds will come through a globalist organ like that. If you are promoting centralized finance, instead of fragmented Microfinance, you are directly slowing down liberation and the freedom of everyone on this planet. 


- The liberation forces want people to discover their own masculinity, drive, authority, control, and inner resources. 

If you are pushing any "Putin-is-our-man-on-the-inside" propaganda you are directly slowing down liberation by pushing external saviours when people should be building their own future for themselves. Remember 8 years ago, when Obama was the man on the unicorn coming to save the world? 

If Putin is your friend, why is he not promoting heart disease cures, that have been around for decades? He either can't, or won't.


- The Agartha Network wants people to discover the power that lies deep within their chakras. These are the true inner jewels. We want people to learn inner door meditation techniques, and cleanse the soul deeply. 

If you are selling or promoting quack devices and spiritual trinkets you are directly working against your own liberation, by encouraging people to focus on physical objects, when in fact, it is our biosuit that is maybe one of the most powerful in the universe. Why are you selling people their own power?

We kindly suggest you think about what you are doing, before you go meddling in areas you are not qualified to act in. 


Please don't give us the fake-intel line about how we're "all different but working towards the same goal". 

How do you know? Have you had any real contact with the true liberation forces? Or do you get all your "intel" from blogs?  How much of this "intel" ends up as garbage 2 months after it's released? You're lying to yourself. It's called controlled opposition, and it's been around since Soviet times at least. 

We are allied with billions of farmers, microfinanciers, nutritionists, musicians, and anyone else in the genuine resistance. We are not allied with liberator honeypots, and dragnets for starseeds. 

They knew you were coming, and they laid traps for you. 

If you weren't so self-absorbed, you could see through them.

After liberation, there will be lockouts from certain areas. 

Do the Bourgeois Liberators believe they can sponsor a centralized banking power grab and then just walk away if it doesn't work? I don't think so. We are being watched closely. 

It's not like we didn't do our best to warn you. So don't go crying if you chose the wrong team.

The timeline is bifurcating as we speak. 

There's no longer time to let people lie to themselves.  We have delivered this message nicely for 6 years now, and not enough people listened. So now you get a blunter delivery. It annoys us to watch unqualified, self important muppets meddling in areas they just don't understand. 

Voting in the etheric domain is now underway. Pick a side. 

No, you may not cast two votes. 

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